Vin Armani Discusses the Silk Road Supreme Court Case with Lyn Ulbricht

in #news7 years ago

In this video, Vin Armani welcomes Lyn Ulbricht back to the show for an update on Ross Ulbricht's Silk Road Supreme Court appeal.

Lyn Ulbricht is the mother of Ross Ulbricht, who, in 2013, was arrested and charged in federal court for his role in The Silk Road online marketplace. Since his arrest, Lyn has been working tirelessly to defend her son. In May 2015, Ross, an Eagle Scout with no priors, was sentenced to life in prison for building a website. Now the case is headed to the Supreme Court.

Learn more about Ross and his case at

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Ross is a hero of mine! He's being held as a political prisoner! Donated to his case long time ago, and I'm always praying he sees freedom someday. Good Luck Ross!

This is a tragedy that cannot stand #FreeRoss