The World's Most Important Historical Discovery Was in 2014 and it Completely Changes What We Think We Know About Our Ancient Ancestors

in #news7 years ago (edited)

You guys may be shocked to discover that we recently finished translating (in 2014) a series of cuneiform tablets found in Sumeria which are now setting the record for the oldest known human writings on earth.

They predate all world religion and are the literal source texts for the Christian Bible, Islamic Quran, Babylonian Enûma Eliš, Hindu Bhagavad Gita, Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Buddhist Dhammapada and more.

Example of Cuneiform Writings - Cuneiform was not a language itself, but a system of writing which could be used to transcribe multiple languages such as Babylonian, Akkadian and Sumerian.

But what these tablets say doesn't just turn all the major religions upside down, it is literally revolutionary. The texts change everything we thought we knew about ancient civilization.

However, since the tablets were only recently translated in 2014 and are still largely being shrouded in mystery thanks to the conspiracy theory crowd misrepresenting what they actually say, most people have not yet discovered them or realize their significance.

Even if you are completely non-religious, these cuneiform tablets prove that our ancient ancestors not only had the ability to use geometric calculations to predict the motion of Jupiter almost 2000 years PRIOR to what we previously thought was only possible in the 1400s A.D. by English and French mathematicians, but they also accurately describe the asteroid belt which was not discovered by modern man until the 1800s and even then not clearly observed until the invention of more powerful telescopes.

The texts also describe DNA, artificial insemination, navigation systems (with glowing screens), and many other things that should be impossible by our current understanding of ancient history.

I have personally read the first Sumerian to English translation of one set of these tablets (there are hundreds, I have read about 30) so I am speaking from direct experience. They described what Earth looks like from space, they describe how anything that enters our atmosphere from space heats up and catches on fire, and they go into far more controversial topics as well which become hard to prove due to their anecdotal nature.

But no one can argue with the cold hard fact that this civilization should NOT have been able to describe the things I mentioned above. Truly, these tablets show us that ancient man had far more advanced technology than we ever dreamed, and somehow this knowledge was lost prior to the Babylonian and Akkadian civilization only to be unearthed thousands of years later and remain in storage for many years still before being translated in 2014.

The reason no one knows is because what these tablets say forces us to completely reexamine what we thought we knew about the past, it practically destroys every major religion (if I told you who the "Gods" were according to the ancient Sumerian civilization, you would shit your pants) and it makes Egyptologists look like they don't know what they're talking about.

If you would like to know more, I am willing to write a more in-depth article or make a video. In fact, I am open to collaboration if you are a video producer, artist or veteran YouTuber/DTuber who is willing to put time into researching this and making a video with me.

After all I have 13 years of professional experience in Electronic Music Production (my career) and I am an amateur video producer as well. So please let me know if you would like to combine your talents with mine to get this knowledge out and discuss it. These are some very important discoveries and so far no one else is talking about it on steemit.

P.S. Don't just take my word for it, and certainly don't take the word of people who haven't read it themselves yet seem to have complex opinions about it. If you want proof, read it yourself, they clearly state everything I have said (and far more). If you are interested in reading the same translation I read, let me know and I will gladly provide you with a .PDF book of the translation which you can read on your phone, tablet, computer or e-reader. And no there is no sales pitch, you can have it for free, just please upvote my post haha


The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of G-ds creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am part of the Curators Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself!

Thank you! is quite ironic that your comment has almost as many votes as my entire article, and you have earned more steem rewards from your comment than I did my entire article...

Maybe you really are......starts chanting Sephiroth

Very nice article you have there! But do not forget to cite your sources and credit your images when necessary

Or we could find the sources, the links, for him, if we want. You know I could find links to this stuff on Google in five seconds. We all can help out in that.

The source was the top of my head, as I have personally read these tablets. But you're right I should attribute my google image I guess...? Though isn't this considered fair use for education purposes? I am not copy pasting any text or plagarizing so I'm pretty sure this constitutes fair use under copyright law and I don't need to provide a source since they are historical artifacts. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just snagged the image off Google, it isn't even the picture of the tablets I am referencing, but rather an EXAMPLE of cuneiform tablets.

Well, Google did not provide that image. Google points you to websites using the image. Under the fair use policy you are indeed allowed to use sources without actual permission of the author, but it does not give the right to use it without citing the original author of the text/images. That still is considered plagiarism even if it is used in other words.

Not sure what to do when I can't find the source and there are 3000 other examples of the image being "plagiarized" on google, seeing as how it is not cited or sourced in the other countless areas it shows up. But if you find one with an actual source let me know and I'll be sure to implement it in the post! That's collaboration :-)

Agreed, humans have known a lot math, physics, astronomy, like you said, for thousands of years, of course, as seen in what humans have been doing, building, and it is good to find things in the ground that show that, including this which is exciting for sure. I totally agree with so much of what you write but this comment might be spam too because I might have written this before somewhere else online in the past twenty years. You may not deem as spam as it is not short enough to look like spam. but this comment might be repeated words. Solomon said nothing is new under the sun. Some say that great leaders or inventors stole their ideas from those who came before them. They copy and paste their stuff from previous generations and pass it on like Yoda said we should. That is why they wrote that stuff on the stone tablets. So we can copy and paste it to pass it on. Which makes the stones maybe spam too if you think about it.

Haha in many ways you are just smarter than me, man. You're my favorite spammer :-P haha just kidding, I won't call you spammer because I know you do not do anything with bad intentions and you're a good guy :-)

Also I don't know if you were kidding or not about the "I might have written this before in the past twenty years" and your sarcasm is hilarious man you got me good on that one. I'm sorry bro, hopefully this can be the start of a great friendship that started off with a misunderstanding haha

Haha, but I wasn't kidding as I've been writing a lot since 1995 or 1998, and I mean I have written all kinds of things so far. I like watching @Stefan.Molyneux philosophy videos and I think a lot about all of it. And it is tough to always know intentions of others. We may act like we can read people's minds. Former FBI Director James Comey talked about the intention of Hillary Clinton back in the summer of 2016. And like the day after Independence Day that July, Comey said Hillary did this thing and that thing. Comey talked for an hour but at the end, the last few minutes, he said nobody would go after Clinton.

I use that as a good example of that word, that magical word of Intention, and we can all define words differently. Dilbert Creator Scott Adams talks about how the left sees the world differently than the right. We have different points of views. It is possible for a bad guy to have good intentions. Look at Batman maybe. Better yet, look at Dexter Morgan, Blood Splatter Analyst by day and a Batman murderer by night. And I relate all of this to my comments, posts, alleged spam, everything, and the flagging. I don't really care if people call me a favorite spammer or not. I try not to take it personally and I don't normally take stuff personally as there are more important things at stake in the world. I just want people to see the bigger picture. For example, we got to do our best to destroy central banking to let new cryptocurrency systems to replace the Rothschild World Banking monopolism empire.

I'm right there with you. I agree thoroughly. Wait till you see what I am putting together for us all next. I have a really incredible idea I'm going to share and the steem blockchain has inspired me so much after reading the bluepaper and reading the whitepaper on Smart Media Tokens

Awesome. Cannot wait.