Police torture an 18 year old pot dealer with tasers for HOURS!

in #news8 years ago

Tennessee Sheriff's Deputies have been put on leave while an investigation is pending into their abuse (torture) of an 18 year old plaintiff. Jordan had excessive force used on him with a taser while strapped down to a chair for 3 hours, on top of the multiple other times the taser was used on him. He has over 40 burn marks. There is video evidence..


This is a majorly messed up story, if you want to see the video evidence just check out the video links in the Dailymail (second link)

Police Brutality: Its not just for black people anymore.

It's never been for one race

check out my page to see cops wrestle another dude while he's trippin face. Plus I posted an article on police in cali claiming a girl overdosed on LSD that I wanted you to debunk.

Haha I will have a look, Thanks for watching!

another story I wanted you to check is police in Cali are saying a college girl OD'd on LSD at a music festival http://www.ksbw.com/article/coroner-lightning-in-a-bottle-attendee-died-from-lsd-overdose/11388163 which I didn't think was possible for user amounts

off course not but there are still a small % of poeple that are racist but thats just normal in this fucked up world isnt it??!!

Yeah the world Is super messed up:(

bro can you pleaseee follow me back would be a huge honor of you xD

Ill check you out and maybe i will :)

Statistics will tell you white people are shot by police more often than every other race combined.

I know, but the popular perception is that cops are racist and only black people suffer police brutality.

The truth is, they are dicks to everyone. What can you expect from people who need to extort the public to get paid?

Hmm interesting, Thanks for watching!

wow... :)

Camera in 2017 is waking America to the message NWA was saying in 1990 when they dropped "Fuck da Police"

Fuck da police!

I liked a lot successes in my profile.


this is just anothar level of fuckery right there, and the funny thing is they only lose their job and thats it. Image a normal citizen would get easily 15 years for this... smg -.-

That's true! It's so messed up

Hey is there a way i can pay you and you shout me out :) can pay good money^^

Those cops need to be forced to smoke lots of weed. Till they mellow out.

Haha yeah 420 Blaze it man!

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable - John F Kennedy

waiting for more from you avilsd! keep motivating!

That's good man, stay tuned!

Absolutely diabolical story for police to treat people so bad and not just do their jobs correctly. It really makes you question just who exactly are they enrolling on the polices forces in this day and age!

It really does, I'm sure they are ment to protect us!