⚠New hurricane hit the US coasts next Thursday
Warning ⚠⚠New hurricane hit the US coasts next Thursday !!Hurricane states: New York, Florida, North Carolina, and New Zealand.** Hurricane IRMAIt is advancing at 220 km per hour and moving to the third degree on Tuesday morning. The ocean's moisture and cold currents from south-east Latin America are raising humidity, especially as it passes over warm water.The cyclone moves on to fourth grade on Thursday and sets its destination permanently.Weather scientists predict the eastern coasts will hit Newyork, Philadelphia, New Jersey and Florida by 60% and a fifth.The hurricane may be "the most violent" because it runs in the Atlantic Ocean and feeds from high humidity and increase its size. The eye of the hurricane may reach 80 km and the length of the eye wall to 7000 meters with a wind speed of up to 330 km per hour (cat 5).