Who are the looters of warships in the Asia Sea?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

Several international media have suspected the rescue companies as the perpetrators of the wreckage of wartime wrecks in Southeast Asia. But no one published the details of who the perpetrators. After a search on the ground, as well as a reading of various company documents, and the results of sharing information with reporters from the Netherlands, Hong Kong and Malaysia, these company names can be traced.

This company uses a clawed barge or commonly called grab dredger or crane barge to lift the shipwrecks. When companies in Indonesia, they pocketed permission through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation to conduct sea lane clearance. But today, those who melt from the established point of coordinates - the official requirement of a work order - so deliberately transport other shipwrecks, including warships and historic ships.

The case he encountered was adjacent to Bawean Island, which was opened by many wrecks that drowned during World War II, precisely the Battle of Java Sea in 1942. The ships were purchased by three Dutch ships - HNLMS De Ruyter, HNLMS Java, and HNLMS Kortenaer - also the British ship HMS Exeter and HMS Electra. In the Sunda Strait did so: HMAS Perth (Australia) and USS Houston were stripped by a clawed barge.

From a number of individuals and salvage companies involved and operating in Indonesia and Malaysia, we found a relation that connects each other: Fujian Jiada Shipping.

Based in Ningde City, Fujian Province, Jiada Company is engaged in trading, repair, and ship construction. Their market share is focused in Southeast Asia by utilizing One Belt One Road project initiated by the Chinese government. They operate legally by exploiting the weak regulation of the protection of historic underwater objects and corrupt behavior in Indonesian and Malaysian government agencies.