The Cuban People Are Survivors And Their Revolution Should Be Studied By Every Person On The Planet

in #news3 years ago

Before the revolution, Cuba was in shambles, mostly because of the United States and Cuba’s history of being exploited by capitalist controlled governments.

Here’s a list of some of what US companies owned in Cuba after WW2:
40% of the #farms
55% of the mills
90% of #communications and #electrical services
50% of railroads
and simple majorities in many other industries.

This is a common situation all throughout #LatinAmerica.

Mass inequality and #poverty existed in Cuba before the revolution. Cubans who lived in rural areas were very poor:
98% didn’t eat eggs
90% used kerosene lamps for lighting
90% of them didn’t have milk
44% never went to a school, ever
1,000 calories below regular diet


Now Cuba has a higher literacy rate than the United States and a better infant mortality rate, as well as many other stats, despite the draconian blockade on their economy.