
in #news6 years ago (edited)

UK Column News YouTube Published Fri 7th December 2018.
Today's hosts are UK Column founder Brian Gerrish and Editor/Anchor Mike Robinson with guests founder of Northern Exposure David Scott and David Ellis founder of Strategic Defence Initiatives.

'THERESA MAY (Prime Minister): I will not delay Tuesday's vote, honest guv...'
'THE TELEGRAPH 6th December 2018: In what could be the final days of May's premiership, Operation Stop Boris (Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson) is already in full swing.
What happens if Theresa May loses the vote next week? “That question is not for me,” she said yesterday, and a great many people in her party agree. If she suffers a landslide defeat on a deal in which she has vested what remains of her authority, it ought to be the end for her. What happens next should be a question for her successor. And given that we could be just days away from a leadership bid, the Tories have already started to plot. .'
'THERESA MAY (Prime Minister) on BBC Radio 4: "The question is: do we go into the backstop? Do we extend, what I call the implementation period, what's become known as a transition period? And what we negotiated is that actually it's for the UK to choose which of these we want to go into. (Incorrect).'
'OSCR Scottish Charity Regulator No publish date found: About OSCR: The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) is a Non-Ministerial Department and part of the Scottish Administration following commencement of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.
We are the independent regulator and registrar for over 24,000 Scottish charities including community groups, religious charities, schools, universities, grant-giving charities and major care providers. Our work as Regulator ultimately supports public confidence in charities and their work (As per Inquiry Policy?).

47198455_10218182533173755_3020588187891269632_n.jpg .'

'GOV.UK MOD (Ministry of Defence) 12 December 2012: Guidance Northwood Headquarters: Multinational Headquarters (MNHQ):
To meet the Chief of Defence Staff’s directive to provide the core of an Operational HQ (OHQ) and the core of a Force HQ (FHQ) for European Union-led military Crisis Management Operations (CMOs), a MNHQ facility has been developed at Northwood.
The facility is located in Bldg 410, in the same building as PJHQ, and part of it has already been activated to provide an OHQ for command of the EU-led Counter-Piracy operation (Op ATALANTA). The whole facility provides essential infrastructure for a multinational staff based around a PJHQ Nucleus and is provided with a direct secure communications link into Brussels. .'
'DAVID ELLIS (Strategic Defence Initiatives): "It's laid bare isn't it, everybody can see there the plain deception that's going on, and it dovetails in completely with err!! obviously the Governments deceiving our own MP's (Members of Parliament)....'
'THE TAP BLOG 7th December 2018: UKC: David Talks To Nigel
David from Torquay eventually gets through to Nigel at LBC and mentions €U Military Unification…. aaahhhh!
Click below for Cartoon UKC David (David Ellis) talks to Nigel (Nigel Farage).
Artwork by Ned Pamphilon


All this and much more in depth analysis, Listen In 'n' Find Out.