I Can Hardly Read The News Anymore (Too Many Crazies)

in #news7 years ago

You aren't safe no matter where you are.   The question is were we ever safe from all the crazies?  These mass shootings keep happening every other day and if the article isn't about one of those then there are all these others stories of people killing other people all over the world.  You hear stories of all these people who were brutally murdered in the past by guys like Christopher Columbus, Hitler, Genghis Khan but honestly I'm not so sure much has changed since then.   

It is like there are all these psychopaths living next door.   It doesn't matter if you are watching Batman at the movie theater, going to church in a small town, hanging out on the Las Vegas strip, or going to the grocery store.   You never know when you will get gunned down, ran over by a truck, or some pervert psychopath will try to capture you and put you in their private dungeon.  

Can't Yahoo tell I stopped clicking on all this stuff?   

Since these websites are tracking our habits I would figure that every other article wouldn't be about these acts of violence.  Once in awhile there is a Bitcoin article or an article about a new exo planet they are few and far between.   I'm almost becoming exhausted and numb to all the savage acts of violence out there.   

Does anyone else feel that these acts of violence are so prevalent that we can't even have three peaceful days in a row?   

I don't have a solution for any of this to be honest.  It seems to be so widespread I fear that we all genetically carry these psychopath genes.  Maybe instead of trying to keep up with the news in general I should just block my own access to these news sites.   

Image Credit - Some Phychopath In Venezuela

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At my house we got rid of our TV in 2002. I have not had a TV in the house since then. If I read the news its just on the phone. (Still full of crap) I am on the same page as you.

Yeah I don't watch TV news. Just a little bit on my computer and like you said it is full of crap

I cut the cord about a year ago, I picked up a Leaf antenna but it doesn't work so I'm pretty out of the loop with news. I used to check DrudgeReport daily more for tabloid style news, and also I think regardless of if you love them or hate them they are awesome at writing click baity type titles which really drive traffic so I think we can learn a lot from them as markters. A site that's not mobile optimized and looks like it was made with that netscape builder but which does 6 mill plus views per day is pretty incredible.

I've gotten way off topic though, I agree with you the news only brings you down and now that we are living in a 24 hour news cycle everything is magnified. While there's probably not any more bad stuff happening today than at other times its shoved down our throats through 24 hour news networks. our phones, yahoo homepage, etc.

I try to avoid the news and politics as it only brings me down and depresses me. I have guns and dogs so if some apocolypse comes and I'm not kept abreast by the news so be I'll be aaaight lol.

Seriously though, I subscribe to targeted reddit groups so I get news on business and marketing and stocks and cryptos, the rest of the news I don't really need nor do I really care for.

For some reason everytime I start going to DrudgeReport I start forgetting to go there again and end up back on Yahoo for a quick skim over what is going on. I will have to check it out again over there.

Yeah alot of there stuff is tabloidish but I recently heard a great podcast by Ben Settle where he was talking about ugly websites and that was included amongst Craigslist and some others. I mean the site creates none of it's own content, its ugly, it's not mobile optimized so your having to finger scroll all over your phone to read it, all of those things would traditionally be a deathblow to a site but they do crazy numbers. They write really catchy titles and they tend to bring to light articles or stories which are important but often dont' get attention. I realize not everyone likes it since it has a conservative slant but again they don't create their own content they just link to others.

The success of Drudge Report has been interesting for sure.

Dude did you see the ridiculously long reply I left you on your other post? I then turned it into an entire blog post and @ned happened to be up in the middle of the night and saw it right away and replied. It was kind of funny actually. I think he is probably still over in Europe because STEEM Fest just ended and I was up at 3:30am or something stupid. LOL

It's been almost two years now since I've watched TV. It has helped a tad. However unless we are prepared to go find a cave somewhere we will never escape the violence or the news of it but then should we? If we are not aware of it, could we become so complacent that we would let our awareness and guard down, thereby placing ourselves in more danger?
It is certainly a conundrum................billytwohearts

You are right..... if we are oblivious then we won't be mentally ready to take action if we come face to face with a psychopath on a killing spree.

You said it brother. crazy time is the new normal. same blood spilling like in genghis and them other butchers time. day

Yeah........ pure crazies

Thanks for your information .i like this post

You are welcome!

nice post

Another post a bit off topic but after the recent church shooting I heard father flagger out of Chicago who's a big anti gun guy say we don't need more guns we need a kinder nicer society. While that may be true and while I do try to improve my community and help people, let's be honest, there's a lot of shitty people out there and a lot of shitty parents who are raising future shitty kids, many people lack empathy just look at people who get beatup in public or raped in public and nobody steps in to help, look at teens playing knockout games knocking out old people with no empathy and no mercy, watch worldstarthiphop fight videos and watch people getting jumped. We live in a mean world and it's not getting any nicer, have a gun and be able to take care of yourself as you can't control the world around you and despite your best efforts you alone can't change it and even worse if your dead you definately can't change it so people need to learn to protect themselves and be aware of their surroundings. I probably sound kinda goofy or like a crazy person but I'm actually super laid back and don't really sweat stuff like this because I know I'm prepared should something happen so there's really not any need to worry. Crazy world we live in

I have been blown away too by the teens playing knockout games just punching elderly people in the back of the head to show off on Snapchat and stuff. It is crazy.

You are right. There are a lot of shitty parents and shitty kids coming up. The first 5 minutes of the movie idiocracy was right.

I usually only hear about all these fake stories on Steemit - the news is just propaganda to make people believe that any of this is real.
But it's easy enough to avoid it.

Not everything out there is fake.


Can you think of a mass shooting or "terrorist attack" on American soil this century that isn't fake? Vegas was hilarious!

If the world have to become accustom to this kind of things, it will be sad