So you don’t believe in GOD? Explain this!
For thousands of years, doubters have questioned the true existence of GOD and accepting Jesus Christ as his ONLY son. Throughout history man has seen and experienced unimaginable things that provide no other explanation other than the presence of the all mighty GOD himself.
Aldi Novel Adilang, a 19-year-old from Sulawesi, worked as a lamp keeper on a floating fish trap, known locally as rompong, located 125km out at sea.
The teenager was employed to light the rompong’s lamps, designed to attract the fish, and according to his father had done the job since he was sixteen. When heavy waves and winds snapped his tether ropes, he was send adrift from Indonesia towards Guam and was lost at sea for a staggering 49 days! I mean wrap your mind around this people, most of us can’t even make it 4 days without a cell phone let alone no food or water and completely isolated from every other human on earth. What a horrific experience for any human being let alone a 19 yr old kid.
Looking at this map and how far he drifted off without another boat seeing him for a month and a half is unimaginable let alone the fact that he had to catch his own food, filter his water, burn his boat for cooking and stay sane in a situation where the chance for survival in nearly ZERO!
After at least 10 ships had gone by but failed to stop it would be easy for anyone to break down and just accept the fact that they are shark food but, not this kid.
He luckily brought two very important things with him out to sea. The first item was a radio to send a signal that he received as a gift from a friend and the other was the Holy Bible. After 49 long days and most likely a million prayers to GOD he was found and rescued to a hospital in Japan for recovery. He has now been reunited with his family in Indonesia.
Many times in life we hear stories like this where we would give a person zero chance to live and somehow by some miraculous intervention the story has a happy ending. How can this be? Is this kid just more lucky than the rest of us who would have perished? NO! His divine faith in the Lord and a several thousand year old book called the Bible is the only explanation to me. Many times in life humans will be dealt hardships that the rest of us can’t even fathom. When these rough patches hit your life....Believe in JESUS......he is the way and the life....and the ONLY way to heaven.
Thank you @broncnutz for this lovely post.....highlighting the Good News of Christ Jesus.
If you do not mind I shall add the verse of John 3.16.....from the original Greek of the New Testament.
'For God loved the world (mankind) so much that He sent His uniquely born Son (Jesus Christ) that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish....but have eternal life.'
It is faith alone in Christ alone for salvation.
Thank you for the opportunity to think on these things.
that is amazing,
lucky little guy held on thanks to his faith
Well said!! :) "I am the way, the truth, the life, no man come unto the Father but by me." I am so happy he is home safe, and what an incredible experience. Most likely it will be made into a movie. Hopefully Hollywood doesn't ruin it.
Whether a person believes in god or not when something bad happens what do people say, OH MY GOD or OMG
Hehehe!!! Very true.
So true xD
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@broncnutz Jesus is our saviour and i Believe in him... Faith is everything.. what a great post.. really appreciate it...
Great story,amen.
I share your post in twitter.

A very beautiful and the deep theme, believe in our God our creator. It would be very interesting, if we all-star writing more about this beautiful theme, we need of his love. Ther pure and unique love of our God.
Good night, sweet dreams! :D
I think he had more luck and desire to live than anything else, which must have been a horrible experience but that survived thanks to his strength and determination
This is a true miracle I believe in God above all things, with God all without nothing, even if we do not see God is with all of us in any corner he sees us and he listens to us all that sometimes we despair because what we do does not happen we want them to pass, but he sends us tests to see if we resist them and then we thank him because at last the request comes, God I love you infinitely