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RE: Government Is Not Your Friend: CIA Hacking Tools Released

in #news8 years ago

Here is a post describing the situation of what T.H.E.Y. are doing. Published today on steemit

It seems you have put the cart before the horse.

can be exploited

They were exploited before they ever left the designers drawing board.
Microsloth has been known to have backdoors for the govern-cement in their software for over two decades now.
Orange has the largest, indexed by location and time, collection of finger prints ever amassed.

You may ask, with our "advanced" technology, why do we still have viruses?
It is because the safety is compromised from the beginning. The security is a big fancy lock on a screen door.

And the reason why is unknown to you because you believe other people think like you.
Narcissists and their more evil counterpart psychopaths do not think like you at all.
In their mind, they are threatened at every turn. They plot to control and manipulate everyone in their lives, they assume that everyone else is thinking the same. So, they go for more and more surveillance. And more and more control. And more and more manipulation. More and more brainwashing.

After the microsloth back doors were shown to large groups of programmers, microsloth should have just died. But, it appears we humans would rather have the latest gizmo, and don't really care about its security.


Name-calling doesn't help any cause ;)

I work with technology and know how complex it is. I tend to suspect incompetence before malice. We know from Snowden how the NSA exploits bugs and so do crooks.

Any bureaucracy has issues. I don't live in a total bubble, but I don't believe everyone is out to get me either.

Name-calling? I try not to make any of my writing about a person, unless its about A person, so I do not know what you interpreted as an attack. I am sorry for any implications.

I am not speaking about bugs, I am speaking about DESIGNED features.

That whole charade about the iPhone from the "terrorist". It was not about unlocking the phone, it was about: Oh look we accidentally, stumbled upon, an ability to unlock the unlockable iPhone, oopsy.

The NSA has black boxes that filter the backbone of the internet. And yes, the boxes are painted black.

That thing about microsloth? That wasn't a bug. That was designed in, system call, back doors. You don't carry a dozen eggs, trip and fall and create a soufflé.

I don't doubt there are backdoors and secret deals. I think some people in government agencies around the world are overreaching their brief, but they have to compete with every other country. It's hard to regulate and harder to monitor. I just don't buy all of the paranoia that gets spread on-line.

Watch your back ;)

Have you considered what Quantum Entanglement entails in hacking and exactly how one sided and secure it can be?
It literally cannot be subverted without full transparency in the manufacturing process, any little piece of hardware can be compromised to transmit instant (read faster than the speed of light) and clear communication in the form of 1 and 0's, and I want to reiterate that:
Any little piece of hardware.

Watch your back, I think it's >be prudent and consider who your enemy is and the extent of their capabilities.