Governments Move on Dark Markets

in #news7 years ago

Last week in front of the world media, Jeff Sessions, the United States Attorney General announced they had undergone an international effort to take down specific dark markets and would continue in the future to crack down on them. The biggest one in question was Alphabay, which had gone offline a few days prior and ultimately had been compromised. A Canadian citizen was arrested in Thailand with the connection to the sting and ultimately committed suicide, albeit under suspicious circumstances, to avoid trial.

It is unknown currently how high of a role they played in the administration of the website, but they were obviously very wealthy, sporting a luxury mansion and multiple exotic cars. Whether or not the government is currently pursuing other individuals in the sting operation is unknown, but will most likely come to light in the future. The reason the person’s identity was ultimately compromised was because of some sort of old authentication process that had his real email in the header, leading police to target the person.

The raid is no surprise, however the level of ferocity in the crackdown is probably at levels we haven’t seen since the original silk road was shut down. News is still developing , but it seems that more than just a few markets might have been compromised. Alphabay going down sent many people to other sites to fulfill their purchases, noticeably Hansa market and Dream market, both which now are under suspicion. Hansa market at this time is known to be compromised, but the Dream market is unknown as of now. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next few days we see anther major announcement.

It seems this time the strategy was to shut down and compromise multiple markets at once, not only to catch the large vendors from the main website, but also the vendors that flow outwards to these new services. It seems like many shill accounts on reddit were pushing Hansa market and many people suspect these accounts were government funded in order to catch the fallout. Dark market strategies are becoming more and more advanced as the Trump administration has vowed to put an end to dark web drug market places.

The beauty of the attack on the Alphabay and Hansa markets is now users of the darkweb are afraid that the other sites they are using might be compromised as well and might avoid making orders until things bow over. I don’t think the government can sustain the attacks for a long period of time and there are still many smaller drug marketplaces that will cater to those who seek drugs, but people are operating at a higher risk level now than before. I personally believe in the medusa effect when it comes to multiple heads growing back and more markets sprouting up after one large one is shut down, mostly because I don’t think there is a lack of people who are willing to take the ultimate risk for wealth. I don’t think this is anywhere near the last we will see of the darknet market crack downs and perhaps if you are a casual user, you should cease your orders for a little while.

Thanks to @Elyaque for the badges


I'm not sure I understand how the US feels it is right to arrest a dual Canadian and Antigua and Barbados citizen on Thailand sovereign soil and then steal the money using US Forfeiture law on property that is not even located within the United States. It's mind boggling how arrogant the US Attorney General is in this matter. This is the same as raiding Kim Dotcom on New Zealand sovereign soil. The US FBI and DEA should not be permitted by law to leave the US to do its work. Absurd

Its unfortunate but the US could care less about international law, also rights are thrown out the window in circumstances like this sadly.

Jeff Sessions is a imbecille at best . Any man that thinks the kkk are ok but then change his mind because they smoke weed is unfit for that position. Whats next the internet is usa property and anything transmitted is under their duristriction, well saying that it is becoming an absurd reality. Time to reject their rule and become free of ..............

I think its the distribution of things like wannacry that attracts a heavy hand. I doubt they care much about individuals smoking funny things but something like wannacry caused real damage. Dont poke the bear!

Im not upset they are shutting down dark markets. The point of the dark markets are to break the law. So why wouldn't they band and shut them down? If anything was going to ruin Bitcoin for us it was the dark markets. is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!

I don't care if the dark markets are shut down either. However the US has no business wasting taxpayer dollars on foreign matters using domestic law enforcement agencies. The US law enforcement agencies are not particularly well known for abiding by the law either. Remember the FBI and SS agents that stole from Silk Road? Also civil asset forefeiture is a violation of the constitution. For someone who is not even a US citizen or even operating in the US what makes an organization like the DEA think it deserves to literally steal money that does not belong to them in anyway shape or form? If anyone the Canadian government has a claim under whatever laws they have to the spoils if they properly convict a dead man in their court system. But the US does not deserve the money.

Why would America care about addicts buying drugs online. Unless of course it is thier direct competitor to their business

I think they just wanted their cut

The black market will exist anywhere, Bitcoin and otherwise, until freedom is legalized, the cure will never be found; thus, it will always exist.

The U.S. agencies don't actually have to do it themselves they can get the agencies in other countries to do it.

Do you believe in Karma? Now they got Trump as president! Hahaha :D

It is all one world we live on, and we must all work together to fix it. Isolating certain countries or viewpoints is not the answer.

Gotta pay those pensions!

The recent Dark Market take downs are just the beginning.. There will be more to come. Dream is probably next on the list, if it isn't already compromised..
The Dark Markets are just that, Dark. There are more dangerous(fake) drugs being substituted for the actual drugs advertised, and people are dying. i.e fentanyl
Subsequently, the age groups of vendors and customers is growing younger and younger. Pre-teens and teens have learned how to access, and order, from big brothers and friends, and the supply to schools has become never ending.
The global governments have realized where the new war on drugs has to be fought..
Interesting times ahead...

War on drugs?
Subsidise drug use ... it is both cheaper and more sucesfull in reducing drug use than the present drug industry that has been created.

Yeah, if you go on the subreddits right now people are freaking out, things will calm down, but I definitely think we will be seeing many more arrests in the coming weeks.

The "war on drugs" is precisely what created the dark net markets, ironic isn't it?

Legalize and Tax.

Only solution.

Protecting people from themselves is a fools errand.

Subsidise drug use and watch the user number decline.

but how its possible

So Can Anyone Recommend A De-Centralized Dark Market?

depends what you want to buy lol

The best way is to reduce the needs in my opinion.
Thank you for your sharing

Government moves on Dark markets may be to stop the illegal drug flow? Not sure.

It is a very serious issue that can't be ignored.

I think dark markets are mostly just a PR target for regular people. I dont think the people taking down the markets or the government really think it will stem the flow in the long run.

Have to start somewhere. In the face of a problem with no single silver bullet, the solution will be many small steps that in aggregate can have a big impact.

To me the most important point is current administration gives enough of a damn about the average American to give a damn. Not so true of the previous crowd of arrogant elitist shits.


Dave B

As long as there is a market, they will exist, you may see more marketeers using more stringent registration protocols for users and vendors. It's capitalism at its best and the US government certainly does not appreciate competition in the drug trade. For god sakes this man Jeff Sessions believes marijuana is as bad a heroin.

The American government is the one making the drugs in the first place, that's why they are in Afghanistan for all these years.