Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes

in #news7 years ago

We all know that the "Deep Fakes" application that's going viral on the internet is only a crude toy compared to the technologies the government-sponsored, defence department-linked researchers have been playing with. Here's an example from the year 2000 that shows that real-time video fakery technology has been available to the deep state for decades.


▶️ DTube

Shut your lying eyes!

what we see is not always the truth

Yes even Corbett declines to Mention that the CIA was Founded by SMOM member Bill Donovan, and at Least 6 Other CIA Directors were VATICAN Knights of Malta. Trump was Educated by the Jesuits, and Both the U.N. and the E.U. are being led by Devout Roman Catholics, and JESUITS Educate much of Political Elite in the World. In Short : Corbett tells the Truth but Leaves out the HUGE Role in World Affairs of the 1500 year old MOTHER OF HARLOTS. So Please Do your Own Research, God bless.

And we're even more blind than bats! We can only fully see the point of focus and only for so long as our eyes are focused there.

I did not know these ... thanks for the explanation the technology gets even further

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This is the age of technical improvement and progress, but as fast as technology evolves, the humanity does not, in fact studies show humans are getting more and more stupid (on average). It seems like the movie Idiocracy became real but in just a few decades rather than the 500 years mentioned in the movie. This is not only the age of technology it's also the age of lies and propaganda. And its a real threat to all of us. That's why education, enlightenment, and encouraging people to not just believe, but digging deeper, verifying for yourself is so important. We are on the edge of becoming either a new society of freedom, improvent and socially caring for one another or a hell for mankind that not even the nazis could have established.

In the age of knowledge we are living right now it is our choice to either seek the truth or stay blind and ignorant. System must be changed and it can be done from within. With every one of us as important as the other, we are one big process happening forever. Focus on growth, on opportunities and hope. Be there for each other, enlighten and love!

Just wait until some AI actually does this to videos already on YouTube so that all "evidence" of conspiracy is removed. Controlling the past to control the present...

what makes you think they dont already

We can only imagine, how this technology has been used over the last decade+ on our TV screens.

It's crazy to think how much technology can manipulate our senses..