We Need to Talk About the Iran Protests

in #news7 years ago

Are these protests in Iran spontaneous, or are they the result of another regime change operation? This week on The Corbett Report James explores the past, present and future of US and Israeli involvement in Iran, and the attempts to foment unrest in the country.

SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-326-we-need-to-talk-about-the-iran-protests/


the plots and outside hands do not make millions of people into the streets
But I think the protests related to gross human losses
In the Syrian civil war and the Iraqi war for 4-5 years

Dead on as always @corbettreport
When are these elite inbreds going to realise the jig is up?
I don't think they'll succeed with regime change in Iran. The people are way more educated than the western powers would have us believe. All the US/UK/ISRAEL instigators will achieve is stiffening the resolve of both the government and the people of Iran.

Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan and Syria are known for war.. this country has been unrest for a very long time and the US government and Israel are doing all they can to put an end to this with the deployment of their soldiers just to make sure peace and order are maintained in this countries.. May God help this countries

All countries, where the United States wants to export its so-called democracy, are being destroyed. Blood flows everywhere. And, as a rule, these countries are rich in oil and gas.

Upvoted. Great in-depth report, James. As usual. Keep up the amazing reporting!

Same tactics used on Syria, some paid group started opening fire in a peaceful prostest. And fakestream media took it on from there with their usual propaganda and a majority bought into this boogeyman ISIS, than ISIL pseudo group, that somehow had access to a fleet of landcruisers shipped over from the US. Pinned everything on Al Aasad, a long time ally of Russia.

As long as the US dollar is backed by Saudi oil, there will always be proxy wars. Total control of the oil fields is what this evil cabalists are after. That's why crypto currencies is the answer to these problems. We should all do our best to spread as much awareness on cryptocurrency. As long as a group of extremist bankers print their money they will do anything under the sun to maintain that power and influence on humanity. This has all got to end somewhere and it is now, just invest in crypto currency.✌

Thanks for your report James. This playbook is so obvious and so played out, it's ridiculous. They look like petulant children with their tweets and calling of an emergency UNSC meeting. To solve "human rights" problems, they just kill the population.

Yup! It’s like “hey we care about the people there!!!!! yea just like Iraq And Libya where u bombed millions

Thanks for your excellent insight and reporting as always James. I put together some large posts this past week with extensive evidence that the western media has portrayed events in Iran inaccurately. Hope this helps your viewers see clearly that once again reality has been inverted by the corrupt media and US government officials.

Inverting Reality: Photos of Anti-Government 'Protests' in Iran (Used By Western Media) Turn Out To Be Images from "Pro-Government Marches"


Western Media Ignores Story of Massive Pro-Government Rallies Held in Iran


Up Voted and Resteemed.

@corbettreport I'm totally with you. Iran is the only country standing in their way in the middle East. They still refuse to accept USD and the elite don't like this.

Wait wait?? These protests are not spontaneous? The next thing you will tell me is that the Ukrainian protests were not spontaneous?


Just waiting for the CNN and other gems of the USA MSM to tell the populous in the states about the protest that were held a few months ago in SArabia...

Incredible work, as always!

The US and Israel have been trying to take down the Iranian regime for quite some time now. When I first saw videos of the Iran demonstrations, I had immediate flashbacks to the protests in Egypt that led to the collapse of the Hosni Mubarak government.