Zuckerberg for President 2020!

in #news7 years ago

by James Corbett
August 12, 2017

Look at that. Do you see it? The pieces are sitting there on the table. All we have to do is fit them together.

But it's as if a Medusa head has been cut up into a jigsaw puzzle; simply piecing it together would create a picture too ghastly for anyone to behold. So I'll let you assemble the picture for yourself:

  • For his annual "personal challenge," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has vowed "to visit every state I haven't spent time in before to learn about people's hopes and challenges, and how they're thinking about their work and communities."
  • He is having lunch with South Dakotan ranchers and hanging out with Ohio steelworkers and other Rockefeller-handing-out-dimes-level staged PR claptrap.
  • He has inserted an exemption in his corporate succession plan to ensure he can still run Facebook if he leaves the company to go serve in government.
  • He has hired Joel Benenson, a former Obama advisor and Clinton strategist, to work for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (Zuck's obligatory gazillionaire tax shelter/"philanthropic" social engineering foundation).
  • And, most tellingly, he has suddenly seen the light and renounced atheism in favor of a more voter-friendly stance: "I was raised Jewish and then I went through a period where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is very important."

Ugh. It's too horrific to even write this sentence, but here goes: Mark Zuckerberg, Overlord of the Evil Facebook Empire, is running for President.

Not officially, of course. Officially, he is most certainly not running for president and wherever did you get such a silly idea, anyway? You know, kind of like the Hildebeast was "considering" whether to run for president in 2013 and 2014 before finally giving in to the people's wishes and announcing her candidacy in 2015? And, to be fair, maybe he'll try for Congress or the Senate first. But make no mistake: Sooner or later, barring some miraculous intervention, we may be forced to hear "Hail to the Chief" every time the CEO of Facebook walks into a room.

Well, look on the bright side. At least he isn't a lizard. (A cyborg, maybe...)

I can't imagine that anyone reading these words needs to be told precisely why this is such a nightmare, but just in case, let's go through it all again.

Everyone has seen the Hollywood version of the Facebook story. You know, like the chat logs from 2004 where Zuck tells his friend to just ask "if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard." After explaining that he has the emails, pictures, addresses and other personal details of over 4,000 Harvard students, his friend, incredulous, asks how he managed that—why they handed all that data to him. Zuck's reply? "I don't know why. They trust me. Dumb fucks." And then, as we all remember, he went ahead and used that data to hack into the email accounts of Facebook's earliest users.

(Oh, wait, you never heard that part of the story? Hmmm, I wonder why Aaron Sorkin left it out of his script?...)

No wonder, then, that from its very earliest stages Facebook has been surrounded by the usual gaggle of deep state movers and shakers who you would expect to attach themselves to such a marvelous spy engine.

Like Jim Breyer. He was the managing partner at Accel Partners when they invested $13 million in start-up money during Facebook's initial round of funding in 2005. As Facebook's biggest shareholder, Breyer had a seat on Facebook's board until he stepped down in 2013. He was also the chairman of the National Venture Capital Association, whose board included Gilman Louie, then CEO of In-Q-Tel. "And who's In-Q-Tel?" you might ask (unless you've watched my video on the subject, of course). Oh, just the CIA's own venture capital firm. Probably nothing to worry about, though.

Or Peter Thiel. The other major early investor in Facebook, Thiel still sits on the Facebook board. He is also the co-founder and former CEO of globalist PayPal. Moreover, Thiel's not just a proud Bilderberg attendee; he actually sits on the influential steering committee, deciding on the NWO conclave's agenda and invitation list.

As The Onion accurately observed back when The Onion still did cutting, relevant stuff, Facebook should more accurately be known as "The Facebook CIA Project."

Of course, Facebook has done nothing to dispel the suspicion that it is an active collaborator in deep state surveillance and censorship of the web. On the contrary:

You know, come to think of it, maybe Zuckerberg is qualified to be President, after all: He's an unconvicted criminal. He is an enemy of free speech and an ally of the deep state surveillance apparatus. He is willing to discard his beliefs (or non-beliefs) on a dime based on whatever way he thinks the political winds are blowing. And he seems so curiously inhuman that many are compelled to ask if he is indeed a robot.

But hey, I'm not a statist and I won't be encouraging anyone to vote in any election, so what do I know?

Well, actually, I do know this: It is a scientifically confirmed fact that quitting Facebook makes you happier. And (in case you hadn't heard) THE CORBETT REPORT IS NOT ON FACEBOOK! Are you?


I hope people are waking up to this zionist puppet

Not that chump isn't working for the same boss..

I agree I covered this already, but this is a major conflict of interest. Zuckerberg is censoring content on Facebook and is now going to use that platform to shove his political campaign down everyone's throats. This is total bullshit, everyone should stop using Facebook immediately and just use steemit.

My article / video about Suckerberg for Prez: https://steemit.com/stwt/@titusfrost/stwt-show-9-my-subs-stories-ama-questions-mark-suckerberg-for-prez-eth-bitcoin-cash

Shit, that's not enough. We'll have to flee the damn country. Maybe @sean-king can set us up with some beachside-landlords in Puerto Rico.

Titus, I'm a big fan of your material on youtube and I thank you for opening my eyes to facebook. I always knew it was bullshit but taking what you said, along with my own research, I realized that I was not going to do jack shit to support this con artist anymore. I got rid of facebook and am just getting started on steemit.

Excatly why i shut down facebook years ago, God help us if this cretin gets into a more powerful role..

If Zuckerberg win the presidential election of 2020, it might be the beginning of the end. AI will going to eliminate humans that against facebook. Steemit and it's user will be the first in the list, facebook mortal enemy and big threat. My wild opinion only...

Holy crap. This con artist reminds me of another current "politician".

Inb4 someone calls you a "Libtard" or "SJW" for disliking a Wall Street Billionaire who sold $110 Billion worth of arms deal to Saudi Arabia,was the head of a pyramid scheme,committed various forms of fraud,calls himself "both a globalist" and a nationalist",appointed former Goldmans Sachs employees to key positions,have a former Rothschild Banker as the Secretary of Commerce and breaking his promises of non-interventionism.

People can call me whatever they want. I know a snake when I see one, whether the King of FarceBook or in the white house.

If Zuckerberg really runs for the 2020 election then wait till the Mainstream Corporate Media indirectly paints Zuckerberg as an "Anti Establishment" figure like they did with Trump.We might see another supposedly independent Alternative Media Outlet starting to be cheerleaders for Zuckerberg like a certain pseudo Alternative Media did when it came to Wall Street Billionaire Donald Trump.Maybe this time Zuckerberg might run against someone so god awful like one of the Koch Brothers and end up getting elected lol

In other news, Mark Zuckerberg is threatened that FB users will move to Steemit. :-D

LibertyBlitz Michael Krieger tweeted @ 10 Aug 2017 - 14:13 UTC

"Content control staff"
Welcome to the brave new world. twitter.com/business/statu…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Can you imagine the FB propaganda feeds if this Suckerberg runs for prez?!

It would be like Correct the Record on steroids.

If (((Zukerberg))) gets the presidency, then we are done with.