Is The US Government Preparing to Declare A National Emergency to Postpone the Elections?

in #news8 years ago

Ken Rogoff pushing for negative interest rates and a cashless society. The Fed has prepared the economy for a 50% market crash. US Congress says the enormous debt is now a national security issue. The central bankers are preparing to transition the US dollar into the SDR. Which means the everyday person is going to feel the economic pain. South Koreans are giving up their citizenship so they do not have to go into the military. NATO deploying 4000 troops to the Baltic’s. US sending more troops to Mosul for a large offensive. US spy plane shot down over Syria. Libya’s unity government tries to take back some of the oil ports. Leaked document shows the US bombed the Syrian army on purpose to support ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra and the FSA. Turkey getting ready to declare a safe-zone to the borders of Aleppo. Ceasefire officially ended but the US wants the ceasefire to continue because they don’t want their forces to lose any more ground. Over the weekend we had false flag events, the US Government is creating a national emergency scenario to try to post the elections.


There's no difference between Trump and Hilliary. Why not have them flip a coin like Hillary did with Sanders? Imagine all the tax dollars that would save.

i don't think there is a lucid person among them. the overreach, at this point, is suicidal. unfortunately it is our lives on the line, and most of america is asleep and in no danger of waking up.

I would agree to Americans are a sleep and arent in anyway on there way to wake up, untill its too late and the pain has been around for awhile.