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RE: CNN rebranding to KNN?

in #news7 years ago

It's funny how feminism has made it's way into a Communist regime.... or maybe vice versa. You see the support team at the Winter Olympics consist entirely of women all choreographed to perform a perfect cheerleading exercise.

On a small note, get a proof read Sebi, or re-read your articles. I know English isn't your first language, but presentation is all ;)


women could vote in the ussr before the usa, its almost like communism stands for freedom.

Women and men couldn't speak their mind, starved and were sent to gulags in the USSR. It's almost like communism stands for fuck all.

the ussr was more democratic than the ussa, and many communists do not support the state socialist model.

It turns out capitalism stands for complete ignorance of history.

Yeah, so democratic! Please tell me more how everything was run when I fucking live. I'm sure you know better. But I'm sure that's not real communism. The infinite strawman

Funnily enough it's not just USSR, recently this video has been created depicting how democracy works in Cuba; also all sources are in the description if you are a skeptic.

Mhm, even North Korea is supposedly democratic. They even hold a vote and all. Peak democracy, right there!

"Yeah, so democratic! Please tell me more how everything was run when I fucking live"

grammar? I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Keep dodging, cunt!

alright well, you are alive right now I assume. So everything was run through democracy.

but I assume that's not what you were asking, too bad I can't answer whatever the fuck your question was supposed to be

Communism is democracy? Have I ever heard anything so ridiculous? LMAO

the basis of communism is worker ownership of the means of production, do you think people would support communism if the goal was tyranny?

Nice third grade "communism is evil" education you got there

I don't think communism really gives a shit about feminism, but feminism is a form of communism. And I don't mind them being at the Olympics, but they're there for a political statement. Praise their athletes, but not that political statement, which is obvious propaganda. But I guess CNN agrees with their message... I dunno why that is surprising to me, though.

Also, I tried editing what mistakes I found. Better, honey? :p

communism is worker control of the means of production, so anybody who wants social equality of any kind, as opposed to tyranny, better be a communist.

Anybody that stands for social equality is a communist, and inherently a tyrant. People are not equal. For example, you're a retard, not at all equal to the likes of Sam Harris. But you want the same? Fuck no!

try defining communism lmao. I want to see how bad you fail

economic equality leads to social equality.

Most social inequality is born out of the need to justify economic inequality when all else fails.

Oh no... muh inequality!
I don't give a shit. People are not equal. You are completely irrelevant, Sam Harris is not.

I never said the people should be equal, just that random chance shouldn't decide whether you starve to death or never have to do anything with your life

It's not random chance, it's skill in different fields. If you don't produce anything of value or provide no service, you starve. If one is totally worthless to everyone else, why should I, or anybody else for that matter, care for this person?

Nice straw man, but the main idea of communism is the labor theory of value. The workers get exactly what they produce back.

do research next time

also it is random chance.

The basis of capitalism, private ownership of the means of production, literally means those who control the means of production get resources through the labor of others. Being born lucky enough to have the social "right" to other's labor is luck.

leftism is based off the worker directly controlling the means of production and getting what they produce. All this shows is you have no understanding of political theory

Communism doesn't try to inherently cater towards the genetic differences between the people, but rather their socio economic backgrounds; the main goal of communism is often to remove socio economic diffirences where everyone is on an equal playing field.

I have some stuff and studies to even to show that socio economic backgrounds matter more then genetics.

Hope you stay open minded, and make decisions after you read these studies. Thank you for your time.

I am open minded. I'm fine with some help. But I've seen communism... and I don't care what sort of "difference" it tries to eradicate, all it does in the end is make everyone equally down trodden. Socio-economic differences are a symptom of genetic difference. One gains status by providing products / services. One comes up with these products / services if they're smart / able / skilled enough to do so. And they should not be equal to anybody else.

Unfortunately your open mindness gave you super powers to read and look through all 6 educational sources I've sent you all at the same time, it's quite amazing I wish I could document this; but unfortunately we do not live in a fairy tail world.

Socio-economic difference is a sympton of genetic difference, but it doesn't justify to luck of someone being born and getting the right to use the wealth of someone in a higher class. As you may have seen in my sources, poor students who do everything right still do worse then in life then rich ones who do everything wrong.

Wtf does "right" and "wrong" mean? And yes, someone born in riches deserves to be there. That's the whole point their parents worked for, to give their lineage a better chance in life. Nobody is entitled to any of those riches but the owner. What the kids do with them, is entirely their business. And if they do "everything wrong", they squander those riches, and in fact they often do, as most wealth is lost by the 3rd generation. Do well and work hard, and you're good, lazy around, you starve. Such is, and should be life.