Chemtrails Conspiracy Theorist Loses His Mind

in #news7 years ago

An oldie but a goodie...where is the Steemit community on chemtrails?


Hard to tell how many of these conspiracy nuts there are on steemit. Most corners of the internet tend to have a small group that is very vocal and noisy. So they give the impression of being more plenty than they actually are.

Thankfully, we got a very large community of quality scientists on steemit as well with the @steemSTEM community. So while there are some nutters, there are also o very impressive people here too.

And the WWII chemtrails :) Always fun

I don't know what they are, but I've been plane-spotting all my life, and they've only been doing this for the past 15 years or so. I would like to know what they're spraying in such large quantities and why. You don't want to konw? Are we not allowed to point out obvious things like planes spewing massive plumes of God-knows-what? I may be a "nut" in the mind of someone who is clearly not to bright, but I am inclined to wonder about strange new things that are being done RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE WITH ZERO EXPLANATION.

You mean, apart from the frequently-offered explanations? There are more planes in the sky, and more of them are jets, and they create condensation trails.

@davidpakman it would do you well to catch up a bit on the subject of geoengineering a lot has transpired since your broadcast and interview here. This documentary will bring some history into the narrative as well.

Just recently the geoengineering information has now been released through mainstream media although their contention is that geoengineering is only in start up stages.

I had not heard of this theory until very recently and it took me by surprise as an acquaintance of mine suddenly starting explaining the issue and his worry. I initially thought he was pulling my leg, since it seems crazy on the face of it, but sadly he wasn't.

The idea that chems could be effeciently distributed in such a way, or that the plane could hold enough materials to itself carry and disburse such long trails, seems to me to be testable and verifiably false.

I strongly disagree that this theory holds any water.

That's what the Vietnam people said bad in the 60' and 70's it turned to be agent orange.
Crop dusters are the only aircraft that are intentionally spraying bad stuff out in USA.
unless your talking about the bad stuff that's already in the aircraft fuel. A Chem trail is just nasty burnt aircraft fuel

Hello there David, big manhug from Portugal, Lisbon.
Let me tell you i'm a fan of your show man. You are a reasonable voice in an unreasonable society.
Coming back to the topic, the expression conspiracy theories as became a perjurative one, that bundles up crazy cukes and people with inquiering minds and diferent perspectives on very touchie subjects.
On this particular example of the chemtrails, unlike the 'great' 😉 Alex Jones i'm not on board.
But since you brought it up (conspiracy theories i mean) i would really like to hear your thoughts ona 9/11.
Perhaps i didn't search your work thoroughly, but i never heard you talk about this subject. So i would really like to hear your thoughts particulary on two specific points:
1-Building number 7
2-The attack on the pentagon and why do you think the American goverment doesn't show the vídeo footage of the plain.
Well, hope you regard this as an inquiering mind and not as a but job 😉
Cheers keep up the good work.

We've touched on vaccinations, but I haven't seen any flat earth, moon landings or chemtrail stuff.

Not really big into stressing or worrying about conspiracy theories myself. Too many false trails to be following.

I see you had an interview with @aggroed last night. I will be checking that out when I can sit down to watch the video. Welcome to steemit!!