Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan claims Sara Netanyahu demanded pricey jewelry

in #news7 years ago

Remember all the talk we where having about Arnon Milchan being a Mossad Operative for very many years with what would be called the "Old Guard" Mossad. Well the Hollywood producer is back in the news saying that the President of Israel's wife has been trying to shake him down for jewelry. I wonder why that would be? Wasn't she in the news for a number of fraud charges for misusing some $100,000 in public funds in her management of the prime minister’s official residence?
Why yes she was, and isn't that probably going to be bringing the president into the fold. Why would she be asking this hollywood mossad guy for Jewely?

Now the Headline of the Article in Question.

According to the television report, Milchan told police that Sara Netanyahu demanded the gift for her birthday.
Israeli-born Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan gifted jewelry worth up to $2,500 (NIS 8,700) to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife Sara, Hadashot news reported on Wednesday, quoting a source close to the police investigation.

In Case 1000, Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, are suspected of receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors, most notably hundreds of thousands of shekels’ worth of cigars and champagne from Milchan.

In November, Milchan’s assistant reportedly testified that the prime minister explicitly requested expensive cigars, appearing to contradict the premier’s defense that they were just “gifts” between friends.

“There were times Netanyahu asked personally [for the cigars],” Hadashot news quoted Milchan’s assistant Hadas Klein as telling police investigators.

Netanyahu would call her directly, she said, according to the TV report. “He’d call them ‘leaves.’ Milchan didn’t smoke, but I notified the guy who works with him that he was paying for it.”

The report also quoted from Milchan’s testimony to police, saying, “These weren’t quite gifts. It was a demand. You don’t demand gifts. It disgusted me.”

In portions of her testimony published earlier in November by Hadashot, Klein told police that Sara Netanyahu would call her up regularly to ask for cigars and champagne,

“There were code words for champagne and cigars,” she was quoted as saying. “It went on for years. There was an understanding that Arnon had to supply the Netanyahu couple with whatever they wanted. The cigars were requested by [Benjamin] Netanyahu.”

While leaked reports of the police investigation have indicated that Milchan spent some NIS 400,000-600,000 ($115,000-172,000) on champagne and cigars for the Netanyahus over the better part of a decade, the prime minister and his wife have reportedly told police that the sums involved were far lower, and that the gifts were unremarkable, since the Milchans were their best friends.

As for claims that Milchan kept Netanyahu supplied with expensive cigars on an ongoing basis for the better part of a decade — the lion’s share of the hundreds of thousands of shekels’ worth of allegedly illicit benefits — the Netanyahus reportedly told police he was merely a “social smoker” and that whenever his friend Milchan came to see him, he would bring just three to six cigars, worth about $10 each.

The second case, Case 2000, involves a suspected illicit quid pro quo deal between Netanyahu and Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper publisher Arnon “Noni” Mozes that would have seen the prime minister hobble a rival daily, the Sheldon Adelson-backed Israel Hayom, in exchange for more favorable coverage from Yedioth.

Netanyahu, who has denied wrongdoing in both cases, last week played down the significance of the looming police recommendation he stand trial.

“If there will be recommendations [to indict] — so what?” Netanyahu told a rally of Likud members. “Here’s a fact I doubt the public knows: the vast majority of police recommendations end with nothing. More than 60 percent of police recommendations are thrown out.”

Looks like these players where caught making illegal campaign gifts in the form of Cigars, and now it seems jewelry and Champaign. They used codes for the items and all the contributions happened over the entire time the President has been in power. How do like those apples. He is revelling in the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital. And he's currently serving the longest consecutive term of any Israeli Prime Minister. But all of that could be undone by police, who have been investigating two corruption cases involving Mr Netanyahu for the last year. The results of the investigation are expected within the coming weeks and already they are not looking good for Bibi and his crew. It seem that the corruption goes all the way to the top and there isn't much that the Mossad forces can do to stop the investigation. Since the Police started the investigation it has just grown into a monster that cannot be stopped by the traditional means. It seems like time is running out for him and it's going bring on the storm our friend Q anon has been talking about.


Highly rEsteemed!


Now, what kind of plan will the leaders ever do. It can not be understood in the context of the incident. Now the mugs of Hollywood, Aron Milner has claimed that precious jewelery. It's his own plan. Thank you very much for posting this way.

I liked the picture sharing on your post. Excellent post I will wait for your next post.