Judge Puts A Stop To Crackdown on Michigan Pot Shops

Just this week, Michigan state officials ordered over 90 cannabis dispensaries in the region to liquidate their goods by Friday Sept 15 and shut down, giving them only 3 days to comply.
Some of the dispensaries who put in their paperwork were late with it or they simply neglected to get it turned in at all. This didn't sit well with state officials who are tasked with overlooking the cannabis market and they've responded by ordering at least 98 dispensaries to close.
A judge has now stepped in to stop the closure...
Those in the state who use cannabis or who work at these shops, own these shops etc, have tried pleading with officials in an effort to persuade them to reconsider their crackdown. Some have suggested that municipal delays have contributed to the delinquent filings.
If those businesses were forced to be closed down then that would leave a number of people without a job and many in the region unable to obtain a product that they've admitted contributes a great deal to improving their standard of living.
For now, licensing officials have indicated that they will comply with the recent order from the judge while they are still trying to determine the best way to move forward in this situation.

I think these Michigan state officials should be fired for trying to harm business owners based on prejudice. But actually it's hard to fire these people and that's why they can get away with this sort of abuse. Parts of Michigan were going down the drain when I left there 38 years ago.
Is it legal to smoke pot in Michigan or this is medical marijuana???
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medicinal use is lawful
Oh I see.
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Excelent! They have to stop that stupid war and start making policies that actually work.