All the more reason why we need Steemit!!!

in #news7 years ago


As massive chunk if not almost all of Facebook revenues are earned through ads and they will stop at nothing ofcourse to increase their ad revenue!!!

After almost a year spent on the defensive for their role in Russian election meddling, cyber bullying and general backlash against social media, CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to focus more on bringing people together through more meaningful social interactions. He's betting that without a constant barrage from publishers and brands--especially on negative news topics --people will take more time to banter with friends about a party or favorite tv show or praise for an accomplished family member...or so he says!!

Facebook's decision to shift people's news feed back towards posts from friends and family and away from businesses and media outlets will likely mean users will have to spend lesser time on the site. Yet, analysts say advertising revenue will rise even higher as quality over quantity wins out.

It's quite obvious that Zuckerberg has recognized that the Facebook shares and customer satisfaction have begun to slip drastically in his vain attempt to voo back users in an environment where many users have begins turned off to technology and social media giants like Facebook and YouTube and stopped their use of such sites altogether or turned to other decentralized platforms like Steemit and D-tube.

Ad dollars will continue to pour in as advertisers will keep ponying up the reach Facebook users who are happier to be on the site engaging with family and friends and less encumbered with all the surrounding noise--or so could be the argument now. The top brands in the world will continue to rely on digital channels for ads and nothing is changing in terms of consumer behavior shifting from analogue to digital. Also the shrinking supply caused by the decision to cut down on ads by Facebook will only make the opportunity to get in front of your audience that much more valuable for the brands as well as end up being a much more lucrative deal for Facebook themselves.

Zuckerberg had said that his 2018 resolution is to"fix" the social network her co-founded... and it's out there now for all to see what he's trying to fix is not the user experience or the corrupt site itself but the share value and income generated by his 'brain -child'-- which was not even actually his in that regard.

More and more people have begun to realise the bigger picture and have started moving towards decentralized sites like Steemit and D-tube and only staying true to their current policies always will itself will be the true reason for the guaranteed success and mass adoption of such sites. Let's all keep or fingers crossed and pray they do that for the better good of the masses.

Live and Let Live!!! Good tidings to all. Cheers!!! :)