Vox is straight up garbage and their financial figures reflect this

in #news6 months ago

Vox is a leftist news organization that is dying a slow but almost guaranteed death despite how much money they toss into it including a recent pump that brought the valuation to over $400 million. Just like most news sources that take an extreme view on news, people are tuning out.

Does Vox change their tune to try to adapt to this? Well of course not! Why would you change a system that clearly doesn't work and is losing the company money? That would make far too much sense and only applies to people that don't have endless access to capital.


Of course leftists would probably disagree with what I said above but those are the same people that would actually read what Vox has to say and not roll their eyes with disgust about how predictable all of their reporting is. Like many publications on both the right and the left, they omit certain information that doesn't support their pre-determined conclusion and will amplify statistics that appear to make a certain point.

On a website that I actually use every now and then called Allsides.com Vox has the farthest left-leaning attribute that you can possibly have and it shows in their reporting.... Although we can't really call it reporting since everything they release is op-ed.


In the subtext below the title, which is actually something that I agree with because YES, Trump is getting more popular the more the justice system goes after him they state "Trump isn’t Hitler. But when it comes to the courts, he’s successfully borrowing the Nazi’s playbook."

Now let's forget for a second that these two sentences are grammatically incorrect and just move into what it is that they are doing here. They can't just come right out and compare Trump to Hitler because that has become quite blasé after "LiTeRaLlY hItLeR" got overused in regards to Trump over the course of 7 years, but (see how you can put "but" after a comma but not at the start of a sentence following an incomplete sentence) they can put that word on the screen multiple times in an article that is going to be taken seriously only by people with severe TDS and this will create an image in their mind of Trump being EXACTLY like Hiter.

In the absurd article they go on to make a comparison to the fact that Hitler became more popular after being charged with crimes and Trump is as well and therefore Trump is doing the same thing as Hitler. Let's completely overlook the fact that the jury is literally still out on whether or not Trump is actually going to be declared guilty and let's also ignore the fact that most of the nation believes that he is being unfairly targeted by a corrupt justice system. They don't even mention that.

In another article that sticks with Vox's totally over to the left way of thinking they refer to the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Idaho being able to make their own laws regarding transgender treatment for children as being a "ban on transgender health care for children." It is not a ban on "health care" you dolts, it is ban on minors being allowed to mangle their own sex organs because it is something that is popular at the time.

They continually use terms like "gender affirming care" rather than calling it what it is which is mutilating your genitals in a non-reversible way that many teens have grown out of and really regret doing. This isn't a tattoo, you can't just turn your girlfriend or boyfriend's name into a really cool dragon once you break up when it comes to removing your penis.

They also refer very negatively to the "shadow docket" aspect of this case because it didn't turn out the way that Vox's writers would have liked. Shadow dockets, in a shell just an alternate method of approaching a SCOTUS case in that it makes the judges' decision take weeks instead of months. Had the decision gone the other way I am sure that Vox would be talking about how shadow dockets are the greatest thing that the SCOTUS has ever implemented.

They close the article by suggesting that the SCOTUS is always ruling in favor of Republican interests because this one didn't go their way. Other articles that I perused attempted to make the connection between the SCOTUS refusing to hear a case as it being the same thing as them voting against it. Not every case is worth the Supreme Court's time ya'll. Get some brains in those heads of yours.

I go periodically to look at Vox to find out if they have made any attempts at sensible journalism, not for any real information. If you are the type of person that takes anything that Vox has to say as truth, I strongly suggest you get your head out of the sand and pursue other outlets for news. Going to no outlets for news would be a better choice than using Vox. There is virtually no truth in anything that they put on their site but rather just the opinions of extremely liberal New York City types that are pretty out of touch as far as anywhere else in the world is concerned.

In the meantime Vox's staff face continual layoffs and these will continue as their remaining workers are constantly demanding higher wages. Sorry folks, but that is not how you keep a business afloat when it is sinking.



I always block their sites on whatever platform. Bing, Google... Hell, I'm about to blacklist them from people who use our wifi. lol

You are doing the world a favor. I only look at it to see what sort of nonsense bandwagon they are trying to create on any given day.