News of The Day: Media Saves Us From Disinfectant Injections, Naughty Beachgoers, More Kim Jun Un-Certainty and More!

in #news4 years ago

Another day, Another day of Trump living in the heads of the media rent-free.

The more I look into the "disinfectant injection" controversy the more I realize how made up this outrage is. It has actually overtaken the coronavirus coverage on Google News.

Weird, isn’t it? I always find it fascinating when the reaction is bigger than the issue.

Trump Breaths, Media Reports:



In Trump Goes Into Hiding They tell the story of a media that uses things out of context to parrot talking points and have something to talk about, then also creates content criticizing him of not wanting to play the game anymore.


It really is funny to me.

It looks like President Trump is going into hiding -- from the press, that is. Facing an avalanche of controversy over his bizarre comments on sunlight and dangerous comments regarding disinfectants, the President held a record short briefing Friday evening (sans Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx), abruptly ending it after 22 minutes of statements without taking any questions from the press.

On CNN, Wolf Blitzer called Trump "chicken" and said he was "probably afraid" of the grilling he was all but certain to face over the "flat lie" he told the day before regarding disinfectants. Later in the night, Anderson Cooper, who argued Trump was guilty of "Soviet"-like spin for pretending his comments were sarcastic during a bill signing, said he "cut and ran" because he knew he'd face hard questions.

Government Says, “Stay Off Beach”, People Say, “Nah”


And in Orange County they don’t want out-of-town visitors on their beaches.

Officials say social distancing is still required and beach use should be limited to walking or biking, not sunbathing. They're also asking that people in other counties (ahem, L.A.) stay home.

But, if you click on the link you will find there are still a lot of people not following the rules.

Still More Kim Jung Un-Certainty


Evidently, the reason they know this is because is train was seen somewhere last week which, obviously, totally means the guy is alive.

Satellite images from a Washington-based North Korean monitoring project, 38 North, showed the leader's train last week at Wonsan, a coastal resort in the country. "We understand that Chairman Kim Jong Un has been in Wonsan this week," a South Korean intelligence official told the publication.

Someone is Going to Be Replaced, According to Four “someones”


According to this fine piece of reporting someone is going to be fired because four people said it.

I personally don’t know enough about Azar, nor do I care enough to look it up other than referencing the article.

White House officials are weighing a plan to replace Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, according to four people familiar with the discussions.

The Biden Accusation Saga Continues


In my post yesterday there was a reference to a Larry King episode where it is believed that the accuser’s mother called in and talked to Larry Live on air.

The article references a tweet that isn’t linked and said that Fox News verified a report that the episode isn’t available but didn’t link that either.

The rest seem referenced properly. You can have a look at the article yourself, what do you think? I can’t believe these things get on google news.

Let’s Pretend The Economy Can Be Saved By the Same Entity That Destroyed It.


Womp Womp, Both articles are behind a paywall.

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