Issac Kappy's Death: Suicide or Ritual Assassination?

in #news5 years ago

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Issac Kappy makes his last video from a location that he had never uploaded from before. Also suspicious, 1 day after his apparent suicide, on May 14th, all of his social media was taken down. This screen grab is from someone who downloaded his video and then uploaded it to their own YouTube account.

Unless I see a video of Issac Kappy actually jumping, the whole "committing suicide" thing seems like a assassination to me. TMZ, the cornerstone of mainstream media distraction for the masses, reported that Kappy committed suicide on May 13, 2019. If you've followed Kappy's work on YouTube, you'll know he claimed that some very big names in Hollywood were involved in a pedophilia network. The names included Seth Green, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, and many other "household names". But the oddity that sticks out immediately with this supposed suicide is that Kappy died in Bellemont Arizona. And his suicide was said to have been committed by hurling himself off a 20 foot high overpass over US Interstate 40. So immediately, the first question would be, why would anyone who wanted to kill themselves do so from such a low height when the Grand Canyon was less than 50 miles from where he died?

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The Google Maps street view of where Kappy supposedly committed suicide. Just looking at the overpass, it immediately looks much too low, at only 20 feet to be anyone's first choice for a suicide. And although the report states that he dropped himself into a tractor trailer traveling at highway speed, there has yet to be any photographic evidence to support this. In the day and age of smart phone cameras and social media, it stands to reason that there would be images of the aftermath if the events went down the way they were reported.

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Bellemont AZ, is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. So, what was Kappy, who lived in Los Angeles, doing here? Well, the suspicious 800 lbs elephant in the room here is that right across the street from where he supposedly committed suicide is Camp Navajo.

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Camp Navajo was originally created as an ordinance depot. And from satellite views you can see the network of ammo bunkers on the base.

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If you look at Camp Navajo Satellite view, there are a lot of Ammo Bunkers. It doesn't take much imagination to think there could be any number of facilities underground and one of these bunkers would be the entrance.

Also, there is a huge dirt pile within the ammo bunker complex. And just to the right of the dirt pile there are 3 felled trees in a near perfect triangle. And that seems deliberate. So, yeah whatever is going on, it has to be connected to that base. And that leads one to believe that there is a connection to the madness Kappy exposed in all this to some deep dark networks.

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Huge dirt pile within the network of bunkers suggests excavation.

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Zooming in on the dirt pile you can see machinery. And to the right an oddity begins to emerge.

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Here just to the right of the dirt pile within the ammo bunker complex of Camp Navajo is a near perfect triangle of felled trees. Considering what Kappy was embroiled with in exposing the pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse rings, is it too much of a coincidence that right across the street from where he committed suicide theres a bunker complex with a near perfect triangle of felled trees?

It doesn't take much to find Thaumaturgic Triangle on the internet. And the definition is disturbing; "used by Satan worshippers to conjure demons from the bowels of hell.". But, when you consider the plight of Issac Kappy in relation to this symbol, the implications are there is a dark network connected to his death.

Issac Kappy's death does not make sense as a suicide. But, his death also tells me "they" are panicking. With the tables turning on the attempted coup against Trump, the Kappy death to me means that the trafficking networks are trying to cover their tracks. And perhaps Kappy was going to be a key witness. I also remember years ago an Army Colonel was busted for being a Satanist. So, it's quite possible Kappy had first hand knowledge of a connection to deep state operatives and Hollywood.

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Tony Castelluci is a filmmaker, writer, and raconteur. Having once served as a Water Safety Survival Instructor as a member of the elite special operations USMC unit 2nd ANGLICO, Tony still seeks adventure on air, land, and sea. Please subscribe, resteem if you can afford it, and share this post if you appreciate the content.

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“Isaac Kappy.” IMDb,,

Stoney Stone : You Cant Make This Shyt UP NEWS ! “Isaac Kappys Very Last Video 5/10/19 Before His Death ! WHAT DO YOU THINK ? DID HE DO IT ?” YouTube, YouTube, 15 May 2019,

Enigma, The Phoenix. “ISSAC KAPPY SILENCED: De-Occulting The Kappy' Public RITUAL SACRIFICE.” YouTube, YouTube, 15 May 2019,

Occult Symbols,


Who ID’d the body?
Why has nobody been able to obtain a police report yet?
Is there an autopsy report, death certificate, toxicology report, funeral notice, obituary?
If Kappy had money, why did he not pay rent?
Why did MDS let him stay with her if he did not tidy his mess or contribute to the house?
Did “Mommy” kick him out?
How did Kayla get into his computer?
How did Kayla get printouts of his bank records? Wells Fargo has two-factor authentication.
Why was Kappy in Arizona?
Did he realize he was right next to an Arizona Army National Guard base?
What did he do between the tire blow out, the last time he was seen in his Telegram group, sunrise (5:22am) and his alleged suicide (7:25am)?
Why did the police rule it a suicide in about 1 hour, when he had made a video saying he was not suicidal and indicating he was under duress?
Why did the police not come to his house to look at his computer and other effects?
Why was there damage to the walls of the house in 3 different locations?
Why is the media not asking any questions about a Hollywood star suddenly dying in a small town? Shouldn’t the town have been crawling with media?
If Kayla and her boyfriend gave Kappy a book about how to disappear without a trace, why would she mention that?
Why do the two women not seem more remorseful or grieved after the loss of their friend?
Why did Michelle say she was going to get $3 million and pay her place off, turn it into Camp Kappy, and give some of the money to the parents – out of the royalties from Kappy’s Album?
Why did Eliahi Priest burn sage and post an exclusive track from Kappy within hours of the news of his death, and only post a eulogy days later? Shouldn’t you grieve for your friend first and think about promoting his album second?
Why did Tom Hanks post gloves abandoned in the desert on Historic Route 66 (I-40 where Kappy died is also the Historic Route 66) 40 days and nights before the death? Why did he post a red scarf with 1977 (the year Kappy was born)?
Why did Kayla mention twice that this is a chess game?
Where is the CCTV video of Kappy checking in at the Days Inn?
Is there any video from the truck stop?

Yeah, its got all the tell-tail signs.

Viewer from Down Persicope makes good point:

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

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I flag trash. You have received a flag.

You clearly have no reason to flag anything at all. You sound like you are in some cult that decides who gets to talk and who doesn't. Never heard of you. Not sure how you got to a 62. But, in the future, just go away. No one cares what you think and that you supposedly flag trash. You must be part of the same kind of people I write about.

Some scum bag with an account called "I Flag Trash" flagged both this article and your comment. I recommend you mute the account like I did. Not sure how an account like that got to be a 62 reputation. But, this is the kind of cult mentality that modern censorship has created. This person thinks they can go around an intimidate people simply by saying a blog os "trash". And the person didn't even attempt to create a cogent argument. Total politically correct cultist! Best to mute the fucker.

thanks for the heads up my friend, i am new to this. i thought i had transgressed some lesser known internet law! i am kind of pleased we got a reaction, i enjoy what you do, i enjoy what i do, i believe i will continue doing it. there is no room for PC inside my PC. i am feeling truly humbled by this persons research and deep levels scrutiny before making a flagging decision. by their fruits shall ye know them etc. any way it was a bonus, i got a chat with you and added another to my follow list. :) stay frosty mate. love your work. :)

Yeah, it a really funny and obvious intimidation tactic. Looked up who was donating to that account. And it looks like some clown who post his game results and not much creative content at all. That said, the flag is a badge of honor.

Happy you like my work.

This is a bot that has been pointed at us by a certain user on steemit with left leaning bias, it's a badge of honour that shows we are poking holes in false socialist narratives. As manual curators who demand nothing in return for our curation we are one of the best curation accounts on Steemit. These conflicts are a natural part of the Information War. - @openparadigm