The FRN Daily News Brief 2020-03-06steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news5 years ago

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 10, articles about Donbass, Eurasia, Headline-News, Ukraine, India, Iran, Mena, China, Anglo-5, Chemical-Weapons, Cia, Defense, Fake-News, Russia, United-Kingdom, Color-Revolution, Nato, Politics, Syria, Turkey, United-States, Eu, Finance, France-Eurasia, Afghanistan, Propaganda.

Tags in this brief: Al-Nusra, Donbass, Terrorism, Khamenei, Massacre, China, Coronavirus, WHO, World Health Organization, British Agent, Deep State, May, Novichok, OPCW, Putin, Sergei Skripal, Skripal, Geopolitics, NATO, Neo-Ottomanism, Syria, Turkey, US Imperialism, War, Eu, Military, Russia, Brexit, Economy, France, Trade Deal, UK, Afghanistan, Taliban, Anti-Terrorism, Assad, Propaganda.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

MAJOR: Al Nusra deploys to front line in Donbass

Published 2020-03-06 19:19:00 by Joaquin Flores in Donbass, Eurasia, Headline-News, Ukraine

Reinforcements from the ranks of terrorist groups in the Middle East arrived at the Kiev militants on the front line with the Lugansk People's Republic, according to the Office of the People's Police of the LPR. “Due to the low staffing of units of the armed forces of Ukraine and the unsatisfactory level of combat training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainian leadership continues to attract Islamic mercenaries from the countries of the Middle East to the punitive operation zone in the Donbass,” said Ivan Filiponenko, press officer of the UNM. The defense department of the Republic... Continue ->

Tags: Al-Nusra, Donbass, Terrorism

Ayatollah Khamenei Condemns Massacre of Muslims in India

Published 2020-03-06 19:06:09 by Guest Author in Headline-News, India, Iran, Mena

TEHRAN, Mar. 05 (MNA) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei slammed the violence against Muslims in India, calling on New Delhi to stand against extremists. “The hearts of Muslims all over the world are grieving over the massacre of Muslims in India. The govt of India should confront extremist Hindus & their parties & stop the massacre of Muslims in order to prevent India’s isolation from the world of Islam,” according to the English Twitter account of the Leader on Thursday. The Indian parliament in December passed a law that fast-tracks citizenship for persecuted non-Muslim minorities... Continue ->

Tags: Khamenei, Massacre

CORONA MUTATION: Virus May Remain in Stealth State for Prolonged Period in Asymptomatic Carriers

Published 2020-03-06 18:52:06 by Joaquin Flores in China, Eurasia, Headline-News

WUHAN, China - Chinese scientists have identified changes in the clinical symptoms of patients infected with Covid-19 coronavirus infection at different times, according to a draft study published on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Specialists observed 89 patients at the Wuhan University People's Hospital. They were divided into two groups. The first, of 31 people, were those who entered the hospital from January 16 to 22, the second - 58 people hospitalized from January 23 to 29. The second group consisted mainly of women (45 out of 58, or 77.6 percent), while the first group comprised 45.2 percent. It is noted that... Continue ->

Tags: China, Coronavirus, WHO, World Health Organization

Two Years Later: The Skripal Case Is Weirder Than Ever

Published 2020-03-06 18:19:09 by Matthew Ehret in Anglo-5, Chemical-Weapons, Cia, Defense, Eurasia, Fake-News, Headline-News, Russia, United-Kingdom

While navigating through today’s propaganda-heavy world of misinformation, spin and outright creative writing which appears to have replaced conventional journalism, it is most important that two qualities are active in the mind of any truth-seeker. The first quality is the adherence to a strong top down perspective, both historic and global. This is vital in order to guide us as a sort of compass or North Star used by sailors navigating across the ocean. The second quality is a strong power of logic, memory and discernment of wheat vs. chaff to process the mountains of data that slaps us in... Continue ->

Tags: British Agent, Deep State, May, Novichok, OPCW, Putin, Sergei Skripal, Skripal

Syria Condemns US, Turkey for Illegal Infiltration of Officials Into Idlib

Published 2020-03-06 13:30:50 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Cia, Color-Revolution, Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Nato, Politics, Syria, Turkey, United-States

DAMASCUS - The Foreign Ministry of the Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemned the United States of America and Turkey for the illegitimate infiltration of American officials into the Arab country's northwestern Idlib province, partially occupied by US and Turkish-backed terrorists. “The Syrian Arab Republic denounces and condemns in the strongest terms the thievery and banditry of the US administration and the Turkish regime,” a senior official at the Syrian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. The source said that the illegitimate infiltration of United States officials into Idlib has been made in collusion with Turkey and reaffirms Washington’s support for Ankara’s... Continue ->

Tags: Geopolitics, NATO, Neo-Ottomanism, Syria, Turkey, US Imperialism, War

German Public: Washington’s New Moves in Europe Unnecessary

Published 2020-03-06 12:30:31 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Defense, Eu, Eurasia, Headline-News, Nato, Politics, Russia, United-States

BERLIN - The new American-led "Defender of Europe" exercise, which is months long and lasts from February until July, involves over 20,000 American troops - more than those of all its NATO allies put together, and more than at any time in the past quarter-century. Although United States officials do not say it is designed to counter the mythical Russian threat, the demonstration of US force capability comes after years of piecemeal reinforcements of NATO's eastern flank following Russia's reunification with Crimea in March 2014. It is no coincidence that Germany was chosen as the main site for the exercises.... Continue ->

Tags: Eu, Geopolitics, Military, NATO, Russia, US Imperialism

Brexit Fishing Row Escalates as UK Royal Navy Announces Patrols to 'Prevent French Blockade'

Published 2020-03-06 11:30:03 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Eu, Eurasia, Finance, France-Eurasia, Headline-News, Politics, United-Kingdom

LONDON/PARIS - UK Environment Secretary George Eustice said the Royal Navy will "protect British waters after Brexit". Britain and the European Union are now in the process of negotiating a trade deal, following the UK's withdrawal from the bloc. One of the key stumbling blocks is Brussels’ desire to have fishing rights for its fleet in British waters, Sputnik reported. He told a House of Lords inquiry that the Navy has three extra vessels that would be sent to patrol the country’s marine territories and that the Home Office and the private sector will provide additional help. "We have significantly... Continue ->

Tags: Brexit, Economy, Eu, France, Geopolitics, Trade Deal, UK

ESPER: US-Taliban Deal Seeing 'Mixed' Results

Published 2020-03-06 10:30:39 by Drago Bosnic in Afghanistan, Anglo-5, Defense, Eurasia, Headline-News, Politics, United-States

WASHINGTON, D.C./KABUL - Defense Secretary Mark Esper said on Wednesday the US has seen “mixed” results in the first days of a peace deal with the Taliban. Esper’s comments to the Senate Armed Services Committee come after USAF conducted its first airstrike since the US administration signed the deal, which US Forces Afghanistan said was a response to a Taliban attack on an Afghan military checkpoint. “The results so far have been mixed,” Esper stated, adding, “The Taliban are honoring their piece in terms of not attacking US and coalition forces but not in terms of sustaining the reduction in... Continue ->

Tags: Afghanistan, Geopolitics, Taliban, US Imperialism, War

ASSAD: Syrian Army to Focus on Clearing Eastern Areas of Terrorists After Liberating Idlib

Published 2020-03-06 09:54:31 by Drago Bosnic in Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Russia, Syria, Turkey

DAMASCUS - After liberating Syria's northwestern province of Idlib, the Syrian governmental army will focus on clearing the country's eastern regions of terrorists, President Bashar Assad stated. "Idlib is the key task now, from the military point of view. Obviously, [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan has hurled all effort into it following an order by the Americans, there is no doubt in it, since after liberating Idlib we will focus on liberating the eastern regions. I have repeatedly said that Idlib is the main outpost, and they have made every effort to prevent its liberation so that we could not... Continue ->

Tags: Anti-Terrorism, Assad, Geopolitics, NATO, Neo-Ottomanism, Syria, Terrorism, Turkey

MAJOR: Videos of the Alleged Destruction of the Syrian Military by Turkish Air Force Turn Out to be Fake

Published 2020-03-06 07:21:06 by Drago Bosnic in Color-Revolution, Defense, Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Nato, Politics, Propaganda, Syria, Turkey

Information war has always been an important frontline. However, in recent decades, it has become a major domain of warfare, as war itself has become a public domain, available to billions around the world. The amount of available information is so massive that it's extremely hard to discern what's true. Knowing this, sides in a conflict will use this to their advantage, spreading propaganda in order to further their goals. Recent developments over Turkish aggression in Syria, backed by Turkish-supported head-chopping terrorists (ever so lovingly known as the "moderate opposition" in the so-called "free world"), saw chest-thumping and self-delusions of... Continue ->

Tags: Neo-Ottomanism, Propaganda, Terrorism, Turkey

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