The Honest Politician is Most to Fear

in #news6 years ago

Don't you just love it when political figures tell the truth? They come on TV, look the camera dead in the eye, and then expose uhhh....expose their souls for the world to see.

Remember our good friend Bill Clinton?

“I did indeed have an inappropriate relationship…”

These guys are truth-telling-machines when they want to be because they have nothing to fear from the American public...and I mean nothing whatsoever to fear. We, as a society, must be the dumbest and most gullible Americans that have ever lived.

(Enter Donald Rumsfeld)

Here’s another truth-telling political figure who brazenly explained on September 10, 2001, that $2.3 trillion was missing from the Department of Defense. And as expected, nothing happened…other than the Department of Defense headquarters being reduced to an ash heap a day later.

Of course, it’s no longer $2.3 trillion that’s missing; today’s figure is well above $20 trillion, but this should come as no surprise. If the thief admits to taking your money and you basically turn a blind eye, of course he'd strike again…and again…and again.
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So how do we get this money back? Well, someone needs to run for congress and make a mockery of the entire scam system. Could you imagine debating some well connected, political insider?
Him: “I think the U.S. government should offer health care for everyone.”

Your response:
Yes, let’s find the $20,000,000,000,000 and then we can afford the best healthcare coverage for every man, woman, and child in the world and have enough left over to wage more war, increase teacher salaries, and fund social security for the next century. And to think, we wouldn’t even have to raise taxes because…THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY PAID THE BILL IN FULL!!!

Him: "Uh, well, that all depends on what the definition of is, is."

Your response:
"Instead of offering the public more stuff, why not just send each household a check for $200,000? I think the American people would be thrilled to receive such a hefty sum of money."

If you have any interest in running for congress and finding the money, check out the video below for more details. I'd love to give you my vote.