Will Our Online Rights Be Nullified and Sold to the Highest Bidder?

in #news8 years ago


The FCC will have the right to contact your personal ISP and receive your online information if the vote passes the House of Representatives (it already passed marginally 50-48 through the Senate).

We are one vote away from a world where your ISP can track your every move online and sell that information to the highest bidder. Call your lawmakers now and tell them to protect federal online privacy rules. - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/03/we-have-24-hours-save-online-privacy-rules

The vote is tonight and, if it passes, I do not think we will will any recourse to protect out data (not just our meta data).

Call your states lawmakers TODAY and tell them to oppose S.J. Res. 34, which the bill would repeal the FCC’s broadband privacy rules that protect us consumers. Link: https://act.eff.org/action/don-t-let-congress-undermine-our-online-privacy


Well damn that's a little fudge up they made a law so the USA government couldn't get this info. Now they won't have to do it them self they could just buy it. That's one hell of a way around it.

Yea criminal attorneys (is that an oxymoron) are making up laws that are legal loopholes.

Loopholes. Always a loophole.