YouTube Makes For Bad Business Partners. The Answer? BOYCOTT

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Is it me or has anyone else noticed that YouTube has gone down the tubes? It literally feels like 1984 Big Brother over there. In the past week, I have watched in disgust as major channels vanished into thin air. Many content creators on YouTube are making videos, documenting the quick dismantling of their channels. The story even hit mainstream media.

YouTube s New Moderators Mistakenly Pull Right Wing Channels   Bloomberg.png

It is crazy. Literally.

Here is a little background - in my opinion: We have mainstream news who many find to be just more Hollywood, or in the words of our President: fake. Then, there is the alternative media. Essentially, that platform has developed on YouTube. If you are looking for deeper news than what is regurgitated on TV, you watch YouTube. Sure, there are right wing, left wing, crazy wing ... they got the wings covered. In the past, as long as someone wasn't breaking a law, the various wings could speak freely. Well, that's my take on it.

But, then advertising became an issue, apparently. YouTube owners picked a group of watchers to moderate content. The moderators were selected from nonprofits and government agencies, these watchers moderate content. Apparently, they have not been extremely open to opinions contrary to their own. In the end, certain channels are being cut off. From the looks of it, most of the channels are Conservative, Republican, or Patriots.

That is messed up. Straight up messed up.

Think about it. YouTube has made a fortune advertising on these videos for years. They sent emails to creators inviting them to become partners. They marketed the videos. They profited off the videos. And, then, in a day, they pulled the plug. That is crappy business in my opinion. The worst.

My advice to video content creators. Forget YouTube. Boycott YouTube. They may think they are God, but they are not. They are just another business. They come and go.

We, however, are the consumer. We make and break businesses.

Forget YouTube. If you want to watch videos, start a Steemit account and move to DTube. Be treated respectfully. Make your money directly from your viewers. Say goodbye to advertisements clogging up videos, (especially the nauseating Hillary ads that YouTube didn't mind running every three seconds for a year). Who cares if YouTube gives you your channel back. The disrespect shown you is insanity. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. YouTube screwed you over once. They will again.

Head on over to sanity. Come on over to the block chain. Forget waiting 30 days to get paid and being at the mercy of YouTube's ridiculous secret algorithm. Enjoy the perfect transparency of the Steemit.

Most of your favorite YouTube channels have already moved to Dtube. Come on over and support them on this platform. Say goodbye to YouTube. Close your account. Stop giving YouTube the views, metadata, and ad revenues. Boycott. Boycott LOUD:

"“The no. 1 predictor of what makes a boycott effective is how much media attention it creates, not how many people sign onto a petition or how many consumers it mobilizes,” His research shows that the most successful boycotts are those that generate the most media coverage, typically to a single, high-profile company. These headline-grabbing boycotts lead to a greater fall in stock prices and are more likely to cause a company to change its behavior." Do Boycotts Work?

Yup. Boycotts work. History proven.

Just my opinion ... Can you say this kind of stuff on Steemit? Heck yea. #DamnSkippy



Don’t forget duck duck go, For Internet searches

I'd never heard of it. Thanks for the tip. I just looked it up. Learning as I go. Blessings.

Hey @gatorlynne, thanks for the update! I get most of my news updates from social media and such so it's nice to have great posts to stay informed. Keep up the good work! Cheers

Thanks so much. I appreciate you stopping by! Blessings

its nice to know someone out there knows the deal. you know the deal. i only access yt for content that i can't viably get somewhere else. eff youtube

also btw thank you! for the link to hbr article good information i need this we all do