US attack on Syria

in #news7 years ago

So the US, the UK and France are only supposed to be attacking Syrian sites they know are chemical weapons sites. Now I just want to ask, if these assholes knew where these chemical facilities where at, why didn't they destroy them before they used these chemicals?

Doesn't this strike any of you as kind of stupid on their part? I think this is pure crap, they attack now after having talked with the Russians, attack anything and then say we took out all the chemical facilities, the Russians don't lose any personnel and nobody loses face, only thing is if you actually bombed they probably killed more civilians than the alleged chemical attacks.


The US may have ground intelligence that knows....but really the US strategy in the middle east has been completely obliterating field intelligence in drone strikes and likely knows nothing.

Something completely stinks considering how many countries wanted to rush in, with no debate, without consulting their parliaments. You would think the people would like to have some say before having their leaders send them off to war or use their tax money. What is eerie is the complete silence by the anti-war left. If it was just Trump, I would say it is almost like the powers that be are looking for a reason to impeach Trump. But May and Macron are involved too without their parliament. Something far more insidious is going on.

And you are right, 70 missiles will probably kill more Syrians from the impact alone than the chemical attack did. Instant Hypocrisy will be revealed in the morning. And if the sites targeted did contain chemical weapons, I am sure that will release the chemicals killing more locals.

And if we suppose Russia Retaliated, the death toll would be astronomical. Especially if it started a formal war between the super powers.

Something royally stinks about how this is all being done, especially the silence by the people and their representatives.

If I was in the military, I would refuse to obey the order. I'd rather be court martialed and do the right thing, rather than following and killing innocent people and starting an unnecessary war.

Seriously got to wonder about who is in our military. They ought to know better than to simply follow orders.

Yes, i have always wondered how the military can follow a lot of orders that put even their own people, whom they are supposed to protect, at risk, I mean all armed forces, not only the US.

I think bombing Syria would be absurd, but Assad is even more stupid if he really used chemical weapons again.

IF, and the thing is do you stop people being killed with chemical weapons because its evil, but keep killing them with bombs because that's OK?

I completely agree. We all know USA, Saudi Arabia and other major countries don't want Assad in charge, for geopolitical strategies, while Russia and Iran are on the opposite side. And they say cold war was over...