The Coup Against Trump Has Arrived

in #news7 years ago

Not a good look, slag!

... the counter coup will lead to civil war.

We are in the early stages of a manufactured civil war or coup. The ratcheting up of violence by Antifa, the escalation of the rhetoric over our past and the excusing of brown-shirt tactics by our media are eerily reminiscent of what happened in places like Serbia, Ukraine, Egypt and Libya.

The Color Revolution in the U.S. began with Hillary Clinton’s concession speech and it has only intensified. Inch by inch, day by day, the building blocks to create a mass hysteria bubble (as Scott Adams would term it) have been cynically built by those whose power is threatened by the rise of the Deplorable right and their Grey Champion, Donald Trump.

The pieces are all falling into place here and it won’t be long before there is a march on the White House similar to the Maidan in Kiev in 2014. We are rapidly approaching the point of no return on this.

These black-masked twenty-somethings are no longer functioning on rationality. They are working on pure adrenaline which is fueling their hatred of whoever isn’t them to levels associated with societal breakdown.

The same unfair system that saddled them with no job prospects, a warped view of capitalism and no moral or ethical center is using them to attack the foundations of our society. These kids are rightfully ticked off. They are victims.

But not of racism or misogyny like they claim to be against. No, they are victims of a political and media conglomerate that told them their views were the only acceptable ones. So, instead of blaming the Jews this time, they are blaming middle-class white men for keeping them down.

It’s the same Marxist nonsense that led to tens of millions dead in China’s Cultural Revolution, Stalin’s Soviet Union, Pol Pot’s Cambodia and on and on.

They have taken Barry Goldwater’s famous line, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” and turned it in on itself.

Beating cops with clubs for breaking up a riot they caused.

Sucker punching a guy for taking the other side of an argument.

Stabbing a guy getting out of his car for having the wrong haircut.

And the media downplay this, making excuses for it because they are what? The under-dogs?

What you have to understand is that this isn’t about Trump. This is about losing the election. These same things would be happening if Jeb Bush had won (snort). Mitt Romney is out there decrying Trump’s putting blame on both sides at Charlottesville, but he forgets that in 2012 he was an evil, white corporate stooge as well.

And had he beaten Obama (snort) he too would have been labeled a Nazi and these same protests would have sprung up out of seemingly nowhere.

Their intensity would have been lower because Romney would have never done anything to rock the boat in D.C. the way Trump is. And Romney would have given the Deep State everything they wanted while still being cast as the evil bad guy at every turn.

What is happening now, however, isn’t what’s important. This could all peter out in a few weeks. All it would take is for Trump to give in and the pain will all be over.

But, he won’t. In fact, he’s doing the exact opposite. He’s surrounded himself with military advisors. He’s done nothing but praise the generals and military servicemen he’s working with. Why?

Aside from his staunch belief in them, he also knows that when the Clintons and Soros call for a March on Washington D.C. he will be ready with a military that has his back. This is always how situations like this wind up.

The embattled, isolated leader with the military on one side versus the irrational protestors on the other.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where things go from there.

It doesn’t matter that the cause of their outrage is illusory.

It doesn’t matter that Trump is the most centrist Republican on social issues in the last sixty years.

What matters is wresting control of the reins of power from him at any cost. This will lead to martial law and eventually, civil war. I’ve expected from the beginning that Trump’s first term would look a lot like Lincoln’s.

Things are accelerating beyond Trump proving himself not to be a Russian agent, or unfit to lead or any of that. They have to accelerate beyond that because it is likely that proof of guilt for most of the DNC, Clinton’s campaign staff and likely the Clintons themselves is staring us in the face.

And his name was Seth Rich.

Dick Morris reported the other night that the Justice Dept. offered Hillary a plea deal that she refused. Indictments are coming if Trump has the intestinal fortitude to see things clearly and all the way through.

The noose is tightening on everyone, including Trump. Does he avoid it? Or put his neck in it? Something is about to change. In movies, we call that the ‘mid-point turn,’ the moment when a character does something so awful that there is no going back to the way things were at the beginning.

History is littered with these events. How we handle them is the question.

This article originally appeared at Halsey News.


I've been giving this some thought, over the past few days. Antifa and the left came first, and sparked a counter movement, the alt right. Both groups embrace identity politics and a collective ideology, separated only by color. The alt right is organizing, and will become an even stronger presence even as the left attempt to erase history by pulling down statues and other historical monuments.

Have we gone mad? We argue precisely because we do NOT want to physically fight. There is no middle ground. Shutting down speech only entrenches warped ideologies better left to die in the bright light of debate. We're doing it wrong, when we believe punching a Nazi is better than speaking to a political opponent.

This can only end badly for all of us. I bleed for America. My home. My resting place. My sanctuary. We must stand up against violence, whenever it rears it's misshapen head. Call it out. Speak against it.

We must use our words, because if we don't. Words become swords. They always have, and always will.

Maybe a few hundred people to a few thousand people in each state have gone mad. The media covers it and makes it look like it is millions across the country.

Soros funds a lot of what Antifa does, the same people show up at different states and do the same crap.

I don't see the alt-right really going anywhere or Antifa being anything big.

Some states have anti face mask laws and make you take them off if you are protesting anything. They did that to antifa and they didn't start anything because everyone can dox them since it is all on vid.

We just need some better laws to make us all safer. When people all go out in hoods of the KKK or black face masks, they feel like they can get away with stuff. Take away their anonymity and they won't do anything for the most part. That is how I see it at least!

I take your point, the alt right exists directly in response to the far left. They are conjoined evil twins with little to separate them. My big thing is the way free speech is being demonized. If someone says welfare is ultimately destructive, the immediate response is to use shaming language against the speaker. Words like: Racist, Bigot and Misogynist are routinely used to derail debate; the speaker is left to defend their personality which diverts attention away from the argument.

If men say divorce and the court system is malignantly stacked against them, no one listens. We have an epidemic of middle aged white male suicide and drug use. Why isn't anyone listening? Because men's issues are marginalized in the media and ignored in the courts. The education of men is so far gone as to leave them indoctrinated into thinking they are all potential rapists but for lack of opportunity. That they are all flawed women, ultimately disposable in the bright female future.

This sort of thing unravels civilization my friend. We already see the white population being bred out of existence. Don't believe me? Google demographic winter. See for yourself. I see wagons circling. The races polarized more than ever. I see economic stagnation, underpinned by civilization wide promotion of useless degrees and an orgy of student debt that may never be repaid. I see a looming recession that will shatter the expectations of a generation of mis-educated and under employable youth sharpening their barista abilities and living in one bedroom apartments, unwilling and unable to continue the species.

All of this, driven by toxic ideologies. Communism. Fascism. Third wave feminism. MGTOW. Will we drown ourselves or will we rise as a species? Only one way to find out. We have to talk about it. Openly. Honestly. Or we will set fire to the foundations of modern life, burning away centuries of progress, civility and culture searching for Pyrrhic victory where we all loose.

My two cents.

I agree with almost all of your points here, but I am not so sure it just an unraveling, I would contend it has been intentionally engineered. You might like my recent post and the appendix of articles that are very relevant to your discussion here.

I'll take a read. Thanks for linking me up. If not unravelling, then deliberate and cynical. The future holds much suffering friend. We can't avoid the next recession. We won't escape economic reality even though we desperately want to. It's a storm, barreling towards us and we're messing around on Twitter.
I'll keep prepping, tho. No matter what they say...

Agree 100%. After watching Ukraine in Fire it's obvious they are using the same Soro's tactics here.

Thank you for sharing this.

I love how quickly the media pivoted from Russiagate nonsense to Nazi alt-right nonsense.

They gave up beating the 'Russia hacked the election' dead horse when the Seth Rich/Awan brothers story was about to break open. This is not a coincidence.

No it certainly is not. There are zero coincidences in politics.

Good write-up, things are definitely accelerating, though I am of the opinion the toppling has been building momentum for much longer than many recognize, it was just happening behind the curtain in the ivory tower. I have written extensively on this and my most recent post has an index of my posts on the matter appended to the end of the article. I think you might appreciate them.

Things have been accelerating for a long time... we've reached the crisis point where a critical mass of people see it. The question is which path do we reject?

We're being offered feudal globalism or marxist cultural destruction. There is a third way but the forces of evil refuse to give up power that easily...

things like Steem allow us to build new systems outside of their influence.... a kind of Zion, from the matrix, if you will.

Nice comparison to the Matrix, I like it. I would actually postulate the neo-marxist cultural collapse is being pushed in order to bring about neo-feudalism. I don't see it as either or, it looks like both to me. And you're right, there is a third way, but the powers that shouldn't be would rather see the world burn than lose their power and control.

Absolutely, neo-feudalism is exactly their plan.

You got my first 100% vote and resteem of the day @goldgoatsnguns.

I'm not sure how these 20 somethings plan to stand up to not only the military & police state but the hundreds of thousands of veterans who aren't going to take this shit much longer.

This kind of crap isn't what they sacrificed for.

Thanks @theblindsquirl that means a lot.

Thank you for the excellent post. You write very well.

The Deep State will stop at nothing to ensure their power. Our times certainly feel like it wouldn't take much for a major escalation of the social unrest. I also find it difficult to understand how one person who wasn't supposed to be elected could cause so much hate and division. Sure, Trump has taken serious against the grain moves on major policy, but to have 6 months in office and the US looking like its ready to unravel can't possibly be caused by him alone. As you point out, there are evil movements behind much of this that are way beyond Trump.

I upvoted. I resteemed.

Thank you for the comment and the compliment. :)

I agree with you and unfortunately you're right. Our country has some really tough hurdles to cross in the near future!

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

Agreed. I don't chronicle the world I want, only the world I've got, unfortunately.

I work at building the world that I want, rather than the one I was handed and told to like.

YES - this coup is a long game. The mark: The American people, the western population of freedom loving people. They shall not succeed - so help us God.

Seven Days in May, 1964. Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas.

Wow, I never thought of what's going on as a colour revolution but it totally is!