Where has the "Hero" of the Vegas Shooting Gone ? Jesus Campos is missing and has not been seen since October 1st ?

in #news7 years ago (edited)


I spy for the FBI

I got an x-ray camera hidden in your house
That sees what I can't see
And that man you were kissin' last night
Definitely was not me, oh baby

I spy for the FBI

Just because he was wearin' shades
You thought he didn't leave a clue
I got his name, I know his game
He's double-0 you know who, oh baby

I spy for the FBI

I've got the facts in the file
Baby I don't have to guess
I took that agent's fingerprints
Off of your new red dress, oh baby

I spy for the FBI

I know when you're out
I know when you're in
I know where you're goin'
'Cause I know where you've been

I spy for the FBI
(I spy for the FBI)
Baby, I spy for the FBI
(I spy for the FBI)
Baby, I spy for the FBI
(I spy for the FBI)

Jesus Campos the " Heroic " Manadalay Hotel Security Guard that single handedly approached a door from which he had heard shots fired on that fateful night October 1st, to end up being shot for his "Bravery " ! But stranger than strange, Mr Campos is now being reported by the Las Vegas Metro Police as being missing and has not been seen since the day of the shooting, leaving the security managers office when this employee of MGM left to check up some info on Jesus in records !! With Campos just up and leaving without request with a bullet in his leg and apparently never to be seen again by anaybody! It would seem also that he is not even a registered Security Guard in Nevada and could well not even be an official employee of the MGM owned hotlel as research of his name in the company records now gives nothing, but it would seem that this is more because of the fact that his name was deleted by the company from its records ! Why is the proclaimed Hero and supposed saviour of lives for having knocked on his door 6 mins before he started firing ! He is reported as having recieved a bullet in his leg but has not apparenly recieved as yet any known medical treatment as the Hospital in Las Vegas has no record of having administered treatment to Jesus ?? Why indeed did he also cancel an appaearance on the Hannity Show for FOX news where he was invited to talk of his experience that night, where no doubt he would have recieved much praise and attention for his selfless alturism ?

So who is Jesus Campos ?? Mysterious indeed, so mysterious that a certain Laura Bloomer, an independent journalist/private detective decided to go out to the address where he is reported as living and you will see in the two films that I am linking that all this just got alot stranger as nobody at the house seemed willing to offer any information to her questions ! With even a private " security firm " (on-scene security ) being paid by some unknown source to protect his house from........." anybody that might want to disturb him ! " And this amazing Laura Bloomer even discovered that ON-SCENE SECURITY itself no longer exists and is not registered as a security company in Nevada since 10 months and also has no fixed address, just a web site with a virtual address! So who does the guy outside Jesus,s House called Troy indeed work for ? He has a badge that he seemed to want to hide to the cameraman of this video, here it is, I have enlarged it and improved the image quality, but sadly its impossible to read ! Does anybody else see though like me, that this could well be a Federal Badge and so making our not so friendly Troy FBI or DHS !!

TROYS BADGE, Security guard placed outside Campos,s house by a still unknown and mysterious client of this company ON -SCENE SECURITY that offcicially does not exist on record in Nevada (http://www.on-scene.com/)[http://www.on-scene.com/] ! Looks Federal to me , thoughts on this ?


What is going on ??


So some question,s clearly need to be asked !! Was Campos an authentic employee of MGM ?? Why has his name been scrubbed from their records and by who and for what reason ?? Is he OK and still alive ?? Or is he more on the run or in hiding and possibly one of the shooters that assisted or maybe more the killer of our equally mysterious Paddock killer of 59 innocent Americans out for a good night in Las Vegas " City of Lights " ??

Here is a photo of Jesus and some of his friends taken from his facebook page which I found I must say pretty easily. So it would seem that he is a real person and seems to like Rodeo and is somewhat of a Cowboy !! His page is linked below, notice his last post is the 10th of Septemeber, he does not seem to want to mention his recent bravery to his friends !!

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002307013156&ref=br_rs !

Jesus is the one on the far left gesturing as a shooter with his hand, the one far right is gesturing a Mexican hood "gang signal " !!?.......


El tres Banditos, notice they all seem to be packing a weapon, the left is concealed beneath his red shirt, the middle is clearly visible and our " friend " Jesus has his in his hand I think, menacingly behind his back !!


person of interest for me, Rene Guillen, one of Campos friends who posted this photo on the very same day of the shooting, many likes by people all with Mexicain names and you might notice again the "gang signal " he makes with his left hand ? Mexicain Bad Boy Connection. Was Paddock selling guns to these people and they smelt the double cross and killed one of the gun sellers as I am pretty sure Paddock was not alone as there is much out there that said he had done room service for two people the aftternoon just before the shooting was " planned " or not ! Then taking the guns for free and did what they came to do anyway !?? I still think Paddock is Alive having escaped and our dead body is another FBI Agent killed by Jesus and his team in a shoot out between the sellers and them !


Here is my selection of films taken from Youtube which will I hope give you an idea of the ensuing madness which has surrounded this murderous mass shooting from the beginning !!



Ok , all this done and said, my feelings so far are now that Paddock is most certainly not our shooter but this Jesus Campos and his MS-13 or possibly Zeta cartel members with possibly backing and training from ISIS sleeper cells known to exist along the Mexican Border ! The FBI set up the gun exchange on the for them emptied 32nd floor with their known gun/coke small plane pilot Paddock ! But somebody tipped them and they came to settle the situation with what we saw ! Paddock is in Federal relocation program , why we saw him in Atlantic city, cause that idiot sure needs to gamble eh ?? )

So now we have the family of Campo Jesus under lock and key with Jesus and his little hit team heavily armed and still out there ! What comes next is pretty clear I think !!

Your thoughts and reactons as ever most appreciated below in the comment section, thanks !




The "Security guard" is most likely a Fed and a Mason. He poses with the diamond masonic hand sign (same as used by Merkel) throughout.

and Jesus Campos just so happens to be 33 in Numerology. Just a crisis actor in the PsyOp in my opinion.

Noone died in Vegas, unless a realistic rubber dummy passes off as a dead person these days:

Yeah for sure these sex dollls being made right now certainly fool stupid and overly aroused single men ! So i guess one of these covered in fake blood and filmed as you say with very shitty jerky old cameras might well be the thing !! Its a total disgrace whatever it is for sure ! I think nothing can be ruled out and more than likley, as we have seen already will be ruled in more !! Its all confusion and that really all they need, to keep us guessing and playing sleuth while they indeed go grab our guns and pack us off to fema camps !1 Its a bad scene and we should be ready for anything and everything @lavater ! nice veiwpoint which i will not ofcourse ignore !

Concerning the masonic connection, I did find the hand gestures strange I must say ! If they adopt this than what effect does it have, its reason I mean ! Is it merely an insider gesture to his controllers that he will not let their side down ?? I also saw quite a few videos explaing the very heavy numerolgical stuff going on in this story !! I chose not to include it as this sort of thing generally makes most peoples knee jerk I think, but yeah totally alot of that going on too )

EEEE-Chinga! This is going to make the continuing immigration argument more "interesting"
Where the f--- is Jeff Sessions?

Jeff Sessions yeah well if we cant count on the FBI then its because of people like him !! But where is Campo is more to the point right now ! This story will I am sure strike very deep and the big losers will be those that have enacted this plan to suit their business deals and agendas !! Thanks @disarrangedjane for this pertinant question and comment !

Oh, and one agency Laura Loomer forgot to ask "Troy Goff" worked for.....The ATF (Alcohol, tobacco and FIREARMS!) I smell gun runners...

Yeah thats it totally, its a sting put in place by some Alphabet agency that went badly wrong and went hot ! Paddock is the dealer not shooter as i said in my post ! Its this MS-103 Cell come to do business but got tipped by a snitch from the inside that made them pull this horrendous bloody act of violence against the sworn enemy ! Namely White Trump supporting American Patriots out for a good time ! The big soft target to herald in the NEO LIBERAL REVOLUTION planned by Obama and that witch in tow Clinton for Nov 4th which they did say Antifa would actually begin the 1st of Octoberto commemorate 100 yrs since the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia under the paid Globalist shill Trotsky ! Its just history repeating I am very much afraid (

Well good @battleaxe, never forget its flavour and savour as Truth requires the taste for Freedom and Liberty, which I know you do not especially lack !!

the plot thickens... this whole scenario has false flag written all over it. one thing I know for certain is the government wants the public disarmed.

Yeah absolutely @kahdafy, that and the installation of radiation devices everywhere in the human domain ! Truth is they want us dead this whole thing accelrates the process, sorry to say !! We need to wake up and hold these people to real law and order ! enough of their BS schemes that kill millions !

This story gets more suspicious with every post buddy.
Well done for pealing this particularly stinky onion! Those of you who aren't letting this story go will no doubt uncover more anomolies in the weeks to come. I bet the instigators are running around behind the scenes attempting to cover their tracks, expect more bodies.

It does indeed @tremendowpercy, just pulling up the daisises and leaving the weeds eh ?

This post has received a 0.03 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

thanks for the smallest vote I think I have ever recieved in my life of Steemit @drotto !!

I remember cowboy hat man from Boston! This brings back old times in the world of farce and hoax. Poor guy probably realized he could not keep up the charade no matter how much they threatened him and so is hiding as best he can.

Are you serious @fitinfun ?? Can you link this photo or interveiw maybe ??

Which one? Boston or vegas? lol Look up - cowboy hat man bleeding out running - for boston - it's a classic. Vegas - idk - the whole thing is too stupid for me to pay attention to. Lots of cards are being pulled.

I'm watching the pedos fall instead and praying for the kids.

ok i will go look for that ) As for the pedos , yes agreed that needs to happen like yesterday agreed !1 Someone needs to pray for those poor children till them, Glad to hear you are at least !!

Yes, I am. The more I see and learn, the more praying I have going on. I only understood about 1% of their evil up until recently.

yes its off a normal brains chart the true Evil of these entities that pretend to be human and walk with us ( thankyou for your prayers for them surely the greatest victims of this disease which rises in our world !

sorry i went to look, this is for sure not the same person )

No - not the same person - just the idea of the cowboy hat. Iconic American. But no one wears them at a race in Boston ffs lol. Someone has to plan wardrobes and they are not creative - probably under stress.

There is I think a bit of a mix of both, organised events where eventually things can happen too ! i find it difficult to make assumptions concerning whether people did die or not ! But either way this stuff is serious crime and we need to treat it as one i think ! till we know more at least on these events !

Wow, the "Rabbit Hole" just gets deeper. Is there ANY truth, anywhere now ? Is this whole nation becoming a "False Flag"? IMHO, time to GTFO asap !

Yeah we are knee deep in doo doo from Obamas 8 years of Liberal dumb dumbest and dumber still ! the whole nation has been lobotomised by CNN !

I could be mistaken, but that badge appears to be a US Marshall badge.

I bet they're protecting the shit out of him right now or shipping his ass south real Fast and Furious.

Real Fast and Furious )) yeah I am sure they are, that is if they havent suicided himsomehwere ! To be frank who can say as nobody on the "law " side of things is telling the truth, as the last thing we want to do is inform the people and give them true and factual information eh ?? they dont deserveit, even though they do pay our salaries !! What a disgrace, you might be right on the badge, so why a Marshall of all things !! Whats his statue then legally speaking ?? im european and im not sure to be honest ! thanks for the great comment @nathanpiters )

Oh that is so much going on,

To indians and to other nations, it simply looks like a general paddock firing, because the news is not so digged up here.

But this well written post tell me and my friends that it was a planned conspiracy in the biggest nation in the world.

What just makes me angry is, innocent people suffering : DYING in all this without any fault.

Thankyou for the interesting comment@thatindianlady)) Yes I am sure the official narrative which seriously looks highly irregualr will be the one fed to all world news agencies and the lie will be perpetuated everywhere !! Sad to see lies become truth anf truth buried in this modern world which seems to be dying as we speak (

@thatindianlady our government is grabbing power and attempting to outright ban freedom and Liberty. The bodies will continue to pile up until they either win or are stopped.

The word GOVERNMENT has got this deifintion in almost all powerfull nations, where they say government is elected by common man and works for the good of common man, but they are never honest OR sometimes the opposition will eat common man for their defeat.