Women branded like Cattle by Sex Cult Leader of NXIVM Keith Raynere ! Connections to Rothchilds and the DNC !

in #news6 years ago (edited)

One must really wonder what leads women to be brought to a position in Life where they offer themselves up to be branded like livestock, to be idellibly marked as the property of their Handler and Master of Ceromenies Keith Ryanere ?

The arrest of Keith Raynere and his chosen accomplice Alison Mack who was sent by him to find other likely candidates to be brought to his table of sexual abuse has opened a line of investigation which is as a deep a rabbit hole that can be !
His "self empowerement group" named NXIUM also secretedly had a " sorority" of chosen sex slaves to be abused and treated as his personal harem of poor souls that would be subjected to ritually organised abuses and God knows what else ??

This self proclaimed " gemius" Keith Raynere organised this company that prayed on rich and clearly misdirected women ! Taking first their individual wealth and then later their feeling clearly of " self respect ! "

But it gets worse as indeed now the investigation has discovered worrying links of this depsicable organisation to the Clinton Foundation as it handed over millions of dollars to it during the Presidentielle Campaign of 2016 ! With also links to this " spirit cooking " aritist Marina Abromawitch, James Aleafantis who are both heavily connected to this " Pizzagate " scandal which surfaced with the release by Wikileaks of personal emails taken from John Podesta,s Gmail account by Seth Rich while he was working for the DNC machine and had access to their servers !

We now begin to see the huge machine of this clealr Sex/Death Cult so prevalent in Washington power circles and the corrupt and fallen Hollyweird " star " recruitment system !

Here is an image that shows different examples of this braning effectuated with a burning tool that was administered by all accounts in a very esoteric ritual where the women were stripped naked and told to accept the barand as mark of their subservience to their master Keith Reynere that were ordered to call by all accounts " Vanguard " !!!


Notice that the brand indeed has the two letters of K.R, but indeed at the same time we can see that it also shows the letter A.M ! So Alison Mack and of course Marina Abromawitch !! Coincidence I really doubt it at all !

According to Parlato, the Emmy-winning Hollywood actress - who Sun Online has decided not to name for legal reasons - is a key recruiter to the cult and has several “slave pods” of around six women each.He says all of the women go through a ranking system where they earn colours and stripes depending on how many "slaves" they recruit and how well they understand the teachings.They apparently have to be on call to their “master” 24 hours a day and are set twisted tasks - with one woman allegedly telling Parlato she'd been ordered to seduce a child molester."

So now Keith Raynere has been arrested for sexual slavery and even human trafficking by all accounts ! With Alison Mack now on bail and under surveillance to see who she contacts ! I think we will be seeing this story break open the "pizzagate " suspicions and with key players such as Clinton and Obama and countless other influential politcal and famous sorts in the Loony Satanic Left being implicated soon !

PizzaGate: Allison Mack Arrested, More Politicians Connected to Hollywood Sex Cult Nxivm?

Chris Ken
Streamed live on 22 Apr 2018

Smallville Actress Allison Mack was arrested days ago over her involvement in a secret sex cult run by NXIVM founder Keith Raniere. The cult allegedly blackmailed, beat, and branded members of the group, while forcing other members to recruit more slaves. In addition to Mack and other celebrities being tied to the cult, there are several possible connections to well known politicians. NXIVM donated over $29,000 to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. While Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's father lobbied for Raniere in 2004 before his arrest. Allison Mack is also a supporter of Marina Abromovic, an acquaintance of Democrat lobbyist Tony Podesta who asked Podesta to participate in a 'Spirit Cooking' dinner in a bizarre Wikileaks emails.

What the Media isn't telling you regarding #NXIVM and ties to Rothchilds and Clintons.

Nonpartisan Media
Published on 30 Apr 2018


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




This is all so crazy isn’t it. It’s verging on unbelievable, well, what we would hope to be unbelievable! But it is true, and for some odd reason it’s been going on for years and years.

I started finding out the truth then looking into the uk government and royal family rituals and child abuse, as we all know the protected jimmy saville was a key player in this sick part of the recent story. Years back I was listening to David icke talk lots about it and he’s been spot on for years.

Then, as I still knew it was all going on, trying to spread the word, no1 believing me or really just not caring about the facts, pizza gate blew up and that was solid evidence! Again, whenever I would mention this to my family or friends, no body would even care, it’s strange. Then the whole fake news smoke screen came about and everyone forgot about it... it’s because the ones ruling can’t put themselves in jail and arrest themselves when the ones responsible are the only ones who can condemn anyone! They really are judge jury and executioner, but control every decision.

Now this nxim thingy which again is so bizzare! We all know of these satanic rituals, and cults now, it’s out there, but nothing gets done :( they must not be human, they must actually be another specie of bloodline who survive from these rituals because a human being wouldn’t do these types of things, surely?

Anyway, great post! As you can tell I love finding out the truth and talking about it! I can’t with my friends or family as nobody wants to, but I’m going to follow and check out the rest of your page now! 😀

Hello @sunsethunter, welcome to my blog where i do my best to expose this darkness to the light here on this great platform free from government censorship ! Yes its all out there as you say, and its high time that something real and consequestial is seen to be done ! But as you say they really are, judge, jury and executioner so i guess we will have to be patient and hope that this Q-Anon personality is the real deal that indeed there are very serious investigations being made as we speak and that this dark pyramid of pain from another era or planet is opened,emptied of its occupants and destroyed forever !

How this is possible in today's world??
Good post take upvote:)

I really dont know @cutwitviky, really i dont ( Its truly beyond the pale and imagination eh ?? So please spread the word and help the movement of people like me who are trying their very best to get people turned on and informed to this clearly malevolant and all encompassing Evil !!

Die Hard Fan writing in the body this letter.Really He/She is a mad for this letter/Alphabet. @gomeravibz

yeah well I dont know who is more mad, the maker of the brand or the person that allows them to put it on their body ! Its insane and unspeakably Evil, I am sure we both agree ! Thankyou so much @shanta7 for your constant support and interest in the subjects of my post !! following too now )

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