Witnessing Hong Kong. No comments attached.

in #news5 years ago (edited)

I'm on my way back from Hong Kong.
Here are few pics and one short video:


Press, Jimmy Sham





Woah, super jealous. Never been to Hong Kong or China, definitely on the list.

Were you there for any specific reason? It would be cool to be able to witness the protests going on there.

Vacation. I was witnessing mainland China and Macau + Hong Kong, pretty much same trip as Clinton did back in the days.

Sounds pretty awesome. So were the protests and financial burdens as intense as the media is portraying them to be?

Well, I can't answer that, I promised. ;-)
I think it depends on media you chose.
For example, I saw on TV that there's Europe on fire.

When I was in Crimea during the referendum, I tunneled into the USA via VPN and viewed news as it was there. Nothing could have been further from the truth about what the reality was in Crimea VS what was portrayed on the news. It really made me distrust media with absolute certainty, that's why I was asking about how you perceived Hong Kong.

Comparing Crimea with Hong Kong isn't reasonable. There was like 1.5 million people in the largest protest.

I'm not comparing them. I'm talking about western media misrepresenting and putting a spin on news and the reality of situations.


This is exactly the type of work 3speak is looking for from its citizen journalists


So much happening in the world right now. Sometimes getting out and seeing it is a gift in itself. Safe travels!

True. Thank you. That's my plan. :-)


How’s the situation there now? Supporting hong kong!

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I don't want to comment on that. Just pictures + video for you to evaluate yourself.


It must be an intense place to be right now. A friend has lived there and is doing translation work for news agencies about it. I really hope the government do not unleash the army as they have before.

The only time I was there was a couple of hours in the airport on my way from Singapore to LA.

Thanks for your recent support. Unfortunately the bad guy has more SP than we can handle and I just have to give up on post rewards until he gets bored. My comments still earn something though.


I have a good friend living there, also a fellow singer-songwriter musician. I know there have been protests, and in my country they're kind of trying to emulate it but it's a different situation entirely. Hope despite everything you could enjoy that holiday.


these are some great images, thanks for sharing


It is curious that similar situations are happening here in Latin America.

For example: In Chile there are problems with social repression, people destroyed a subway (One of the best meters in Latin America). Lately things have been complicated in many countries, and with this post I see that not only in Latin America is this happening.

I understand you don't want to give your opinion on it. It's been a few days since you posted this post, but I hope you're doing well now and that you really enjoyed your trip to Hong Kong.


Great photos. I have family there and I’m worried about them. Would love to visit again soon 😊

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We are witnessing history unfold
