Widow of US marine killed by ISIS reveals that's Trump couldn't remember her husband's name during phone call.

in #news7 years ago


The pregnant widow of a US green beret killed in action has broken her silence to tell how she was more upset when Donald Trump called and struggled to remember his name .

Immediately after she spoke, the US president hits back denying her claim ,tweeting he remembered her husband "without hesitation ".

Trump has been in a war of words over his handling of Sergeant of La David Johnson's death after he is said to have told his wife,Myeshia Johnson "he knew what he signed up for".

The US leader denied the claim made by Florida Congresswoman Fredericka Wilson who said she heard the conversation as it was held on speaker phone while she was in a car at the time .

But now the widow has said it is true.

Mrs Johnson of Miami Gardens, Florida confirmed ,"whatever Miss Wilson said was not fabricated. What she said was 100 percent correct."

Within minutes of the interview being broadcast, Trump took to twitter to rubbish Mrs Johnson's claim.

"I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgnt. La David Johnson and spoke his name from beginning ,without hesitation,"he wrote.

Posted by Delia Innoma