The CDC, Dr Cunningham, the Virus, the Vaccine

in #news7 years ago (edited)

What happened to CDC employee and Team Lead, Dr. Timothy J. Cunningham? His body was found along the muddy banks of the Chattahoochee River, a developed river park in northern Atlanta. He was missing for 7 weeks. He left his dog Bo, his keys, wallet, ID, and passport at his apartment and vanished. Local Atlanta police reported his disappearance as strange and out-of-the ordinary yet CNN and Google reported it as a drowning with “No Foul Play.” Does CNN think Dr. Cunningham went for a swim and drowned in February? I started to look for myself and discovered CNN was censoring some important information about the Zika virus.

Let’s begin with Florida Governor Rick Scott. His family’s wealth sits in an investment fund, G. Scott Capital Partners. One of their holdings is a pesticide firm, Mosquito Control Services LLC []. MCS has a fleet of spray planes and spray trucks to distribute government spray contracts throughout the southeast. The Scott’s know and understand the insecticide spray business. Their investment fund stretches to Delaware and is estimated at $300 million dollars. In 2012, Governor Scott appoints Dr. John Armstrong as Florida Surgeon General.

Feb 1 2016, the World Health Organization declares Zika virus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Four months later, Gov. Scott signs an executive order allocating $26.2 million in state emergency funds for Zika preparedness on Jun 23 2016. This was just in time because three weeks later, on July 19, Florida health officials announced they were investigating the possible first native case of Zika virus in the state. On August 1st, 2016, it was official. Miami-Dade/Broward County had their first Zika outbreak. The state’s $26 million dollar fund allocated just months before, was quickly implemented. Massive statewide spray programs were initiated by plane, air vehicle. Door-to-door citizen blood tests requiring four vials of blood and a waiver for “future testing” on their blood were initiated.

To combat the mosquito, Governor Scott’s team worked with the CDC to implement an aerial pesticide. The state chooses the aerial solution from CDC/FDA approved chemicals and began spraying along with South Carolina. On September 2, 2016, the chemical naled was sprayed up and down the southeast coast and in four hours over 3 million honeybees died from poison. The EU banned the chemical naled on May 11 2012. Despite this, it was used for the Zika virus along the American coast.

On September 6, 2016, global firm Takeda Pharmaceutical was awarded $19.1million to develop a Zika vaccine. Month’s prior, Takeda had announced their norovirus candidate on Jun 20, 2016. Great luck considering eleven California RNC staffers contracted the Norovirus in Cleveland less than one month later. In 2014, Takeda lost a $9billion dollar judgment for hiding cancer risks from the diabetes drug Actos. George W Bush appointee District Judge, Rebecca F. Doherty changed the settlement to $35 mil. The Actos drug earned Takeda $16billion in 10 years.

The #CDC reported on February 5 2018, Dr. Timothy Cunningham found out he was not promoted. He was reported as having erratic behavior by the #CDC, his family, and neighbors. He mysteriously asked one neighbor to remove his contact info from their cellphone. Dr. Cunningham reported sick Feb 8-9th . Monday morning, Feb 12th. Cunningham texts his mom at 5:21AM.

Timothy J. Cunningham, ScD. Team Lead, Division of Population Health. Mid thirties, close relationship with sister, and parents. Named "ATL top 40 under 40." Worked on Ebola and Zika. Missing since February 12. Left work early, not feeling well.

Body found with running shoes and 3 crystals in his pocket. A preliminary cause of death is listed as "drowning." CNN headline reads "No signs of foul play." On the morning of his disappearance, he tried to text his mother "Are you awake" at 5:21AM and called her at 9:12AM.

I run the Chattahoochee a lot. It's a wide river with lots of developed shore trails. How do you leave work sick, wake up early, go jogging with 3 crystals in your pocket, then jump in the river in February to drown? Why is this headlined as "not a sign of foul play?" #Qanon

Dr Cunningham was Team Lead and the CDC says, "has been deployed for numerous public health emergencies including Zika." The first "outbreak" was reported on Aug 1 2016 in Miami-Dade and Broward County. DWS and Sheriff Israel's home.

The CDC has chosen their patsy, it's the Aedes species mosquito. Zika and can cause birth defects during pregnancy, and the CDC reports, "There is no vaccine or medicine for Zika." However, the CDC does have a solution... Aerial spraying. A teaspoon every acre.

The CDC utilizes, "Naled and other insecticides." Saying, "State and local officials make the decision on what insecticide(s) to use for aerial spraying. In 2014, almost 6 million acres of land in Florida was aerial sprayed with Naled by mosquito control programs"

CDC says, "Naled has been extensively used since the 1950s and is currently applied ... to an average of approximately 16 million acres of the continental United States annually." That sounds okay i guess right? Afterall, the FDA approves it.

Ask anyone besides the #CDC you find that Naled has the UN hazard classification of 6.1 (inhalation hazard) and is prohibited for use as an insecticide within the EU. Repeated exposures is linked to neurological and "behavioral" problems including Parkinson's disease.

Like #Parkland, we have a mosquito (patsey shooter) causing terror to thousands of pregnant women. And the only solution is to unload a locally chosen pesticide across 6 million acres of the most densely populated area in Florida. Run by two of the most corrupt people.

One month after the first "outbreak" in Miami/Dade, this happens. Over 3 million honey bees die in one afternoon. The CDC approved, FDA sanctioned, Naled pesticide was sprayed up and down the southeast coast.

Dr Cunningham was the CDC Team Lead for Zika. A few days after Dr Cunningham went missing, the company Takeda announced a new Zika vaccine. They even fast-tracked it.

Takeda's vaccine press release came out the exact same day Dr Cunningham went missing. His profile: close ties to family, community respected, into crystal-energy, career military, characterized as very traditional, a known mentor. Sounds like he'd be hard to corrupt.

JP firm Takeda was paid $20mil by BARDA a division of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) within the US DHHS. Our tax dollars funded this new aluminum gel vaccine under the direction of Dr Robert Kadlec.

Takeda pharmaceuticals (Japanese stock exchange) started a long healthy upturn in stock value beginning the summer of 2016, the same time the #Zika outbreak occurred. (note the huge selloff starting 2018). Something else happened that summer also, the norovirus...

The Norovirus results in about 685 million cases of disease and 200,000 deaths globally a year. It's particularly nasty in the gastro region. On July 16 2016, 11 California RNC staffers contract it prior to the convention.

The Norovirus RNC outbreak was coincidentally the same month Takeda announced a vaccine candidate for norovirus. Coincidentally, the same month the stock went bullish. And coincidentally 2 months prior to the first Zika "outbreak" in Miami/Dade.

Did Dr Cunningham see this pattern of virus-to-vaccine-to-money? Why was he urgently trying to contact his mother on Feb 12th? Is his disappearance connected to Takeda's massive stock drop in January? Why did CDC 1st report him disgruntled, then report he was promoted?