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RE: French 'Yellow Vests' Push For Anarchistic Evolution? Referendum Initiated by Citizens?

in #news6 years ago

@deirdyweirdy Totally agree the left/right paradigm is nonsense and that we need to unite against the state's abuse of power, but we are not powerless in the face of government. That is the lie they want us to believe to keep us enslaved. We may feel powerless in the face of government alone, but the power of the people united as one against the government or any other tyranny is the most powerful force in the world. It's why the MSM spends day & night keeping Americans distracted & divided. The people don't realize their true power.


I totally agree with you and that's what I was trying to say in my less than articulate way. We are powerless because we don't stand together. If we could just forget all the nonsense that we've been persuaded divides us and realise that we are all of us enslaved, we could likely change things very quickly.

hehe :) My bad... You're so right! You might find the following video interesting, regarding the power & ability of just 1 dissenting voice to influence & empower a good percentage of the people around us who, until that 1 voice broke the silence, felt entirely powerless. Even when we are seemingly all alone, just 1 voice or 1 single act of dissent has the potential to be far more powerful than we perceive in breaking people out of the herd/crowd mentality, and this has been demonstrated in scientific studies. I found the topic very interesting, feel free to check the video out, it's by Black Pilled YT channel:

Have a great weekend!