CNBC Releases Laughable Anti-Bitcoin Propaganda Piece: If You're Trading Bitcoin, You Could Be Funding Kim Jong Un!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Source and Video: See the CNBC video report HERE.

I'm not one to easily adopt mainstream media buzzwords and the like, but this is one example of "fake news" that is just too laughable--and revealing--not to share.

In a recent short-form online video report, has let everyone know that:

If you're trading Bitcoin, depending on where you are, there's a chance you might be funding Kim Jong Un's regime in North Korea.

If you just spit out your coffee or water in a burst of explosive laughter, don't worry. My reaction was similar. Never mind the fact that American taxpayers' taxes fund the largest terrorist war machine on the planet, dropping bombs on men, women, children, and infants around the world, or that the UN is now starving the North Korean economy (and thus, North Koreans) via recent sanctions which cut trade with China and effectively reduce North Korea's export trade activity by 35%. No, that's all irrelevant because...well...reasons.

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What's truly alarming is that fact that there may be ONE DUDE mining Bitcoin in North Korea!!!! GASP! THE HORROR! As my good friend on Facebook put it:

"This would be like blaming people that eat at McDonald's for helping a serial killer because the serial killer works part-time at another McDonald's."


Here's the vid:

All this comes right on the heels of JP Morgan CEO Jamie Simon saying that:

Bitcoin is a fraud that will ultimately blow up,

And that it is only fit for use by drug dealers, criminals, and North Koreans.


Funny that he also said that Bitcoin developers are going to "try to eat our lunch" at an IIF (Institute of International Finance) annual meeting in D.C., October 2014. If BTC is going to fail, why worry, Jamie?

When the MSM is united on something like this, you can be sure there is a reason why. To be honest, it gives me hope.

We now have thousands upon thousands of individuals empowered by an idea, making money and gaining financial freedom via free, decentralized systems created by innovative minds. The state, of course, hates this, as nothing that evil does is ever original. And, in their "perfect world," it seems to be an accepted tenet that the peasants should never have a lunch of their own.

Well, fuck that. Let's eat!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


So....Priscilla Moriuchi, who works for a "Threat Intelligence Firm" funded by Google and the CIA - the two biggest anti-privacy organizations on the planet - says bitcoin traders are "helping" North Korea? Really?

Hell, why shouldn't the North Koreans get into bitcoin? After all, isn't bitcoin a censorship-resistance, global, P2P digital asset?


All the major powers have plenty of nukes, so why shouldn't the North Koreans try and catch up? Can't really blame them for trying.

Well the likes 10 and dislikes 83 under the video, says a lot.
Sarc. on. But the dislikes are probably north koreans. sacr off ;)

Thanks for the sarc. buttons. glad you remember. Lol. Not always so fast on the take :)

If you're using USD, there's a chance you're funding the imperial US State.

Everyone, give him an upvote if you came to the comment section to say the same thing.

By the way,

"And that it is only fit for use by drug dealers, criminals"

Like the US fuckin dollar isn't.

There's FUD, then there's this. Really ridiculous how hard these guys are FUD'ing

We really should thank them for driving the price down :D


Well, you're right there. I did buy some more at $3,200. I figured how much lower could it go? (Answer, about $290 more).

I expect (and hope) that's the end of the sub-$3,000 BTC.

The US dollar is sucking value and wealth out of the entire world trough inflation. The US is the ONLY country that ever used a nuclear bomb against humanity. STOP THE REAL TERRORISTS, USE BITCOIN!!

dollars, pounds, yen... they are all going to shit

Yeah a currency existing outside of "the state" could be funding all sorts of bad stuff. Even though basically all printed bills have quantities of cocaine on them. Haha, remember when Bill Clinton transferred technology to N Korea? Yeah he gave them nuclear reactors. Another state funded by the U.S., mercenary boogymen. Maybe our leadership are suicidal.

The military-industrial complex always needs some kind of "enemy" to justify its existence and humongous budgets. Can you imagine how many Americans would be out of jobs if defense spending was cut 50%?

It's working very well for themselves.

Was unaware. Thanks man.

I've been waiting for this


hahaha great stuff @kafkanarchy84. To think that people have put some real effort in creating this video. Thanks for sharing up and followed