Does Donald Trump have a button for the nuclear bomb?

in #news7 years ago

US President Donald Trump has threatened North Korea with a nuclear bomb. Is this button really in hand.

Most people know that launching a nuclear bomb is more complicated than pressing a button to change a channel on television.

The term "nuclear bomb button" is used to refer to the bomb. The answer is that Trump does not put a button in front of him to detonate the nuclear bomb whenever he wants.

What does Trump have?

On January 20 last year, a military man carrying a leather bag from Donald Trump appeared at his inauguration as he stood near President Obama. Trump was sworn in next to Trump.

This bag is known as "nuclear football", which is necessary for the use of the US nuclear weapon, and theoretically never leaves the president.
An expert told CNN in August that the suitcase was in a carriage with President Trump when he was playing golf.

What is a "nuclear bag"?

If people see this bag, they will be frustrated, they will not find a button, and they will not find an alarm clock for an imminent explosion. All it has is tools for communicating and writing about war plans that help speed decision making.

What is a Biscuit card?

The US president is supposed to keep a card, called "biscuits", all the time, separate from the nuclear bag.

If the president wants to order a nuclear strike, he must identify himself to military officials by revealing secret codes.

When asked by ABC television about his feelings after receiving the card, Trump said: "When you are told how much destruction you are feeling, you feel it's serious, but rather scary."

Robert Patterson, a former military aide to former President Bill Clinton, revealed that he had lost secret codes during his term as president.
He noted that Clinton kept secret codes in his pants pocket with credit cards.

After the Monica Lonsky scandal was blown up, Clinton admitted that he had lost these codes for some time, Patterson said.

General Hue Shelton alleged that Clinton had lost the secret codes for months.

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How does the president order a nuclear attack?
Only the president can order a nuclear attack. He presents himself through secret codes, and orders the commander of the American armies, the highest officer.

The orders are then passed on to the strategic command at Nebraska Air Base, which transmits them to field commanders.

The orders are issued by secret codes.

Can the president's orders be violated?

The president is the commander of the US armed forces, so all his orders are obeyed.

But there is room for maneuver.

In November, for the first time in 40 years, Congress debated the president's authority to launch a nuclear bomb. Among the participants was an expert named Robert Kehler, who was the leader of strategic leadership between 2011 and 2013.

Keehler told Congress he would carry out the president's orders if they were legal. Under certain circumstances, he would say, "I am not ready for implementation." A member of Congress asked him, "Then what happens?" He replied, "I do not know." The members of the Committee laughed._99463233_34950d1d-c590-4e98-87bd-47e1102d1439.jpg


In my humble opinion Trump is not a bad man, he has been a much successful businessman throughout his life and still managed to become the president of his country. If anything that's what most of the people who hates him blindly would never achieve in their lives. I neither like or dislike him as a person or a president, all I'm saying is respect a fellow human being if you can't respect his position as a leader. What good will ever come from endlessly criticizing him if he's only doing his job?