in #news7 years ago

Social responsibility is the idea that businesses should balance profit-making activities with activities that benefit society; it involves developing businesses with a positive relationship to the society in which they operate. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), emphasizes that the relationship to the society and environment in which businesses operate is "a critical factor in their ability to continue to operate effectively. It is also increasingly being used as a measure of their overall performance."

Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environments and society as a whole. Social responsibility, as it applies to business, is known as corporate social responsibility.

Additionally, some investors use a company's social responsibility, or lack thereof, as an investment criterion. As such, a dedication to social responsibility can actually turn into profits, as the idea inspires investors to invest and consumers to purchase goods and services from the company. Put simply, social responsibility helps companies develop a good reputation.

In general, social responsibility is more effective when a company takes it on voluntarily, as opposed to being required by the government to do so through regulation. Social responsibility boosts company morale, and this is especially true when a company is able to get buy-in among its employees and actively engage them in its social cause.

I'm happy to share this pictures with you today because the man and his donation is incredible.
The CEO of the Despite Group of Companies, Dr. Osei Kwame, has built a Children’s Block as his birthday present to the 37 Military Hospital.





The completed ultramodern facility was commissioned on 2nd February 2018, which happens to be his birthday.

The building which has already been named after the man known for his philanthropic works comes with:

• Paediatric Oncology (Cancer) unit, which comprises; two consulting rooms, a nurses’ reception station and office, a main ward for in-patients, a treatment area, a kitchenette, and five washrooms.

• The Paediatric Pysiotherapy unit also has; two consulting rooms, a furnished rehabilitation gymnasium/playroom, three washrooms, a kitchenette and a waiting area.

• Also included in this complex are two extra private wards for general paediatric admissions.

The cost of the facility is not known yet.

Mr Osei Kwame is widely known for his philanthropic works and the construction of the Children's ward comes at a time when there is global call to curb child mortality.

We say thank you and may God Richly bless you.

"This man deserved to be “worshiped” if politician wants to be “praised” for using tax payers money to construct roads and financed other government projects (of which then get personal percentage)"


Yes we all have social responsibility for deserving community or country but how many of us who are blessed is ready to do this. The man has done well and deserved to be hailed.

Yes a true philanthropist who understands giving. We all have a role to play as far as giving our widows mite to the society is concerned. Nice piece @kwabkesseh.