RE: Peace Expert George W Bush Says ‘Isolationism’ Is Dangerous To Peace
I totally agree with you, 100%!
Unfortunately here is the problem...
We have the "generational" problem - fed by younger people who are playing war games from their couches (I am a veteran - 70's myself). Those people do not "know" anything else. They believe "that America" needs constant war to survive and it is the culture of this country.
Sadly most could not even get into the military anyways, and that is alright for them they show support for the effort (sick!).
I have been called a "tree hugger", many times - and "I" am the person who was in the Army?!?!?
It has come to a "repeat" of Roman think models and values...
Most of these are quite reckless & dangerous, as soon - if not already the rest of the world will be catching on..
Of course since as human beings we have been rules by the "exact" same kind of people since time began..
It may be, at this point all that they want to know..
Luckily here - most do know the difference!!
Thank You, for posting!
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