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RE: CIA Psychics and CIA Psychic Research ( files)

in #news7 years ago

So Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo astronaut from the who regularly corresponded with John Podesta concerning aliens and zero point technology, was also a psychic for SRI/CIA; and one of the focuses of his research while in space, was the effects it had on ESP!

The Edgar Mitchell segment is on page 10. Interestingly, this means our US tax dollars were spent funding rockets so that we could send psychics to do space-readings. Not sure how I feel about that, but it's amusing, to say the least.

The Edgar Mitchell Files on wikileaks:

Here is his obituary:

He was the 6th man to walk on the moon, a remote viewer/pschic who worked with SRI and government agencies, the chairman of Information Systems Incorporated, the founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, an author of two books, Psychic Exploration: A Challenge for Science (1974) and Way of the Explorer (1996), an outspoken advocate for the Disclosure project, his third wife was a Playboy Playmate, and he served in the Navy as an A3 aircraft pilot for two tours of duty during the Korean War. Edgar Mitchell was literally the most interesting man in the world.


This isn't really news.