Lee Camp: People need to chill out!

in #news7 years ago

Banksters are lifting a plunder to a new, higher level, robots are taking over jobs, planet is going to be cooked thanks to crooked politicians and insatible corporations, sex is pricier than ever… what can people do? Keep calm and chill out?

In episode of Redacted Tonight, host Lee Camp Lee Camp opens with an impending crisis robots are causing. As jobs are rapidly becoming automated, what will it mean the society of workers made of flesh and blood and not controlled by a processor? With this imminent job loss, what on earth can we do as a society to take on skyrocketing unemployment? Then Lee turns to Europe, where there’s some good news. Theresa May’s conservative party may be collapsing in Great Britain, and in Germany, citizens are getting 85 percent of their electricity from renewables like wind and solar power, a feat our nation has yet to accomplish. Then Lee covers the revived zombie of the War on Drugs. marijuana sales are enjoying a boost thanks to legalization in several states. Not only are annual legal sales near $4.5 billion, Americans are apparently purchasing marijuana more than other modes of entertainment, such as $15 movie tickets and hard liquor.

In the second half of the show, correspondent Natalie McGill joins Lee at the desk to discuss the positive change to our environment and our health that electric cars can bring, but the hairbrained obstacles state governments are putting up for them.

Finally, correspondent John F O’Donnell reports on how cities’ corporate spaces are being reclaimed by activist groups, by visiting The Uptown Arthouse in Washington, DC.

This and more on Redacted Tonight!

Earlier episodes of Redacted Tonight:

Redacted Tonight #150 — Lee Camp: US Government explains Saudi democracy in 20 seconds!
Redacted Tonight VIP #63 — Bill Ottman
Redacted Tonight #149 — Lee Camp: Can I pay with my liver?
Redacted Tonight #148 — Lee Camp: Pigs Sh*t for voters!
Redacted Tonight #147 — Lee Camp: LAST WARNING! Big Corps want to “Restore Internet Freedom”!
Redacted Tonight #146 — Lee Camp: Wall Street owns our Government!
Redacted Tonight VIP #58 — Power of Media and the great Exodus – Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan
Redacted Tonight #145 — Lee Camp: Lying Language Of War & Media
Redacted Tonight #144 — Lee Camp: Warning – War Porn episode!
Redacted Tonight #143 — Lee Camp: Waiting for the sky to fall? Works are in progress!
Redacted Tonight #142 — Lee Camp: Next Financial Collapse On Horizon
Redacted Tonight #141 — Lee Camp: Slave owners are among us!
Redacted Tonight VIP #53 — Abby Martin
Redacted Tonight #140 — Lee Camp: Surveilance State is not Adorable!
Redacted Tonight #139 — Lee Camp: I don’t watch TV to be spied on, but to be manipulated!
Redacted Tonight #138 — Lee Camp: Education IS Revolution!
Redacted Tonight #137 — Lee Camp: Brainwashing, veterans at Starbucks & liars calling liars LIARS!
Redacted Tonight #136 — Lee Camp: We Are Subsidizing Our Death
Redacted Tonight #135 — Lee Camp: War on Iran
Redacted Tonight #134 — Lee Camp: I'm beginning to think that politicians lie to us to get elected

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We created a society where the rich no longer need us, pesky, free thinkning humans.

Amazing information, thanks for the recap.
Here come the robots?