My thoughts on the Shooting at South Florida High School #Parkland

in #news7 years ago

Today, there was a terrible high school shooting in South Florida High School in Parkland.

First off, this is a terrible tragedy at the least and should not be regarded as anything else. The shooter remains unidentified and was taken into custody to the hospital. They don't know why the shooter was taken to the hospital first. Over 14 people were victimized with fatalities.

In my opinion, schools aren't safe. I always hear on the news, "We can't continue to live in fear". I wish people would live in fear until schools are safe or there's a standard for everyone's health in which a shooting would be unthinkable.

I'm in complete sorrow and my prayers go out to this tragedy. Since Steemit is a decentralized platform, I believe that there NEEDS to be definite study of this problem so there will be a 0% chance of this happening again. It'd be interesting to read other people's views on this tragedy since this is a decentralized platform.

Best of Wishes


Any kind of shooting are fucked up. But you hear of school shootings every other week now. A lot of it is the wrong kid got bullied to the point where he had little to none emotions left. Or its just some human that has mental issues. What are your views on how to stop such things to happen?

Thanks for the comment. Complete fucked up. When I went to high school, every classroom door is left opened, building doors left unlocked, security cameras left unmonitored, etc. I guess it'd be impossible to make it completely safe because people who have mental issues would still make these tragedies. I believe mental health hasn't been studied enough and people who have mental issues are given treatments while the actual cause is left untouched. The person continues their life mentally ill and with or without treatment, and eventually feels he has to do something. Thanks for the comment. I don't want this post to be something of spam, but rather a topic for discussion.

I agree with you. There was a case that just went to trial where I am from and A doctor said a patient was stable. The following days she was caught on camera at a walmart testing out different hammers to use to kill someone. Turns out she killed someone in her apartment building and was hiding him behind a dumpster out back.

That's awful. There's too much evidence of those instances.

yep it was quite sad to hear about. I believe the doctor lost his license over it too.

Back to the school talk,

My old highschool had a system in where if there was a shooter or someone with a knife they would have us lock the classroom doors and go against the same wall as the door. I don't think there is that much value in that system. Someone could easily get a gun in the school without anyone seeing.

That's so terrible..! I hope it won't happens here. But I still need to be careful

It's impossible to stop these incidents completely, but the primary objective should be to not give a predator with a gun 1.5 hours to murder. That's how long it too the police to arrest him. That's a VERY long time to walk around murdering people. People need to stop depending on government services to protect them. They have to protect themselves. If a teacher wants to be armed, they should be allowed to be armed. The same goes for adults on college campuses whether they are staff or teachers. Then predators like this are stopped very quickly.

1.5 hours? That's fucking insanity. I had a teacher in high school that kept his pistol in his bag. Or at least that's what he told us.

Yeah, at Columbine I was enraged when I saw cops hiding behind firetrucks. The simple truth is most cops just don't care about your life or your child's. They are not going to risk their lives for them.

I like the solution in your bio, "Stop playing or watching the part of a hero, and be one instead."

I'm armed every day and would step in, give my life if necessary, to defend the defenseless. Liberty, individual liberty, is worth any price to me, and I believe a person's honor is far more important than one's life. I don't welcome death either, but dying in battle defending what I love? I'd die with a smile on my face. :)

It me active upvoter

Such a sad state that we live in. I wonder when will we all learn to just get a long.

If a person is committed and predisposed to committing an act of violence on such a mass scale, the only thing that will stop them is someone prepared, trained, and capable of defending life. It’s time to tell the liberals that we are tired of being held to the mercy of the criminals and the mentally ill, while we wait for standard emergency response times.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

@mattew its so sardonic. such shouldnt be happening we need to focus on our economy and how to make life meaningful to us and others not that we should be making life hard for people and causing babaric miasma experiences for people