My Talk with Adam Kokesh

in #news6 years ago

Interviewing the leading Libertarian Presidential Candidate for 2020, Adam Kokesh.

Let's start with controversy.

I started the interview asking Adam about his opinion that Americans shouldn't automatically be thanking every veteran for their service. Turns out this is something Adam is asked about a lot and he delivered a thoughtful explaination.

What's worse: Big Business or Big Government?

Personally I believe powerful institutions have a tendency to grow dangerous to individual freedom, regardless of whether they are private businesses or governments. Adam of course is well known for defining government as the greater threat to human freedom. I didn't prepare for a debate but we had a friendly exchange.

Universal Basic Income

I was most interested in getting Adam's take on Universal Basic Income (UBI). Seems to me to be a better solution to poverty than the bureaucratic welfare system. So I'd consider it progress but Adam disagrees. He explained he considers it more of a "sidestep" as we discussed the issue in depth.

Talking with People You Disagree With

I made a lot of videos about socialist Bernie Sanders in 2016 so when I recorded these videos with Adam some friends were surprised. But I hope to remind and encourage everyone to step out of their "ideology bubble" every so often. There's a good chance you'll learn something, and get a better understanding of where other people are coming from, which is something I think society is rather lacking these days. I also feel like talking only with people you agree with just gets boring after a while.

Until Next Time

As we concluded the interview I hadn't been convinced of total government abolition as Adam advocates. But we share more common ground than not. Especially on issues like the failed war on drugs and unjust foreign wars.

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