Trump told that he was there

in #news7 years ago

The interval of 15 years, but what a strange match. After destroying three alleged chemical weapons installations in Syria on Friday, US President Donald Trump said in a tweet message: "The target has been achieved." In one such spring in 2003, President George W. Bush said in the Pacific Ocean, militant warship called USS Abraham Lincoln to Iraq 'The goal has been achieved.'

Those who have not lost their memory in the 15 years, will remember that the United States and its Western allies have not achieved anything substantial from the invasion of Iraq, rather than making the Middle East more frantic. Western forces were involved in the war on the charge of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein, the authoritarian regime of Iraq.
Britain and France join forces with the United States on the charge that President Bashar al-Assad still has chemical weapons stock and is being applied to its own people. A chemical weapons factory, an outpost, and a reservoir building were destroyed by throwing more than 100 missiles from the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. No one in Russia or Iran has tried to stop or nose the attack. Soon after the attack, Trump claimed to achieve success. Meanwhile, the Syrian army demanded that 103 of them 71 mid-range missiles were stuck.
Western countries have received moral support for the attack. Their behavior indicates that they are not willing to give up the Syrian regime for the alleged war crimes. But nobody showed any way to solve the problem. On the other hand, the attack on Arab media was called 'aimless'. Syrian analyst Amr Kush commented in the interactive mouthpiece 'Al Arabi al-Jadiid': "There is a deficiency in the essentials of this Hawaii attack: [and that is] a sequential political program." TV station al-Jazeera also suspects the permanent effect of the military operation Have Held
That's right, the limited military attack Bashar al-Assad's use of chemical weapons has diminished slightly. But all the reserves of Syria were not destroyed. Six days before the attack, the two parties went through the hot sentences. It is not impossible to hide the arms of Syria in this gap. The Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff Kenneth McKenzie has such an indication. 'What we destroyed, the program is bigger than that,' he said. 'We could go to another place and do other things.'
It is not possible to say that Bashar al-Assad had a big loss on Friday's attack. Rather it happened the opposite. His popularity increased. The Washington Post reported that after understanding that US-led attacks did not cause major damage and possibly ended the Syrian power in the formation and use of banned chemical weapons, the people in Damascus went on the streets and sang patriotic songs and brought out national flags and released them.
Trump's attitude to the Middle East is not clear. The President of the US media administration says, on the other hand, the President himself is not sure what he will do. She suffers from a stroke. Those among his advisers, Ronald Raganpanthi, considered the responsibility of the United States to intervene in 'Dirini', they are trying to push the trump to the Middle East. On the other hand, former Advisers Steve Banon and Kentucky libertarian senator Rand Paul, who believe in the 'single-minded' policy, favor moving away from the Middle East. Trump won the last election with the slogan 'America's interest first' slogan.
Syria is not the only problem in the Middle East. The IS has been beaten but it has not ended. US military officials believe that the terrorist group still has the ability to attack. On the other hand, Israel is anxiously watching Iran sit down a little bit in Syria. Helping him in this work is his military allies Hezbollah in Lebanon They are fighting with President Asad's soldiers on their shoulders. They also have Russian army. Israel wants to have a strong presence in the Middle East to pull Tehran's money.
So, two in the West of Homes and one in Damascus in one place, Western Assault is at a time when Bashar al-Assad is going to win a seven-year civil war. It did not get much publicity because of the use of gas in Doma city. On April 8, the last stronghold of rebels surrendered to the Assad forces. During the week, the remaining fighters of Jihad al-Islam are taken to the north of Syria by bus. The area is controlled by Turkey. It is believed to be Al-Assad's biggest victory in the war; That even in the year 2016 the importance of the restoration of East Aleppo has also been overtaken. His allies Russia and Turkey

From these events, it is understood that the Middle East is going through a reconstruction process. As a result, it may not be too much to think that Washington, London, and Paris actually 'gently' said in a limited-scale attack to al-Assad, who was in charge in the region,


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