Russian Bots fact or Fiction

in #news7 years ago

Social media

As it turns out

Russian bots are a leftist scam to dupe the American people Face post and Twitter post don't alter a humans true intent. These platforms are passive, meaning that people use them to indulge in entertainment for the most part. It has been reported that people get most of their relevant news on subjects that are global from facebook. the media outlet reporting this though are also implicated in the basis of conservative and patriotic news and information. So whos to say who is right and who is wrong? the facts in this article will show exactly this.

But that’s just part of the story…

The truth, Russian bots were not the reason for Trump winning the election. According to leftis media outlet CNN they reported that Hillary Clinton actually won the popular vote. It seems more and more americans are just not agreeing with the old political system that has kept the people suppressed under a promise of a socialist democracy. Americans are regain faith in restoration of true Americana, which is the capitalist open free market system where people can use their talents and skills to thrive and find prosperity.

As if that’s not enough

The mainstream over the past few months has been losing support due to the new evidence and implications of the fake dossier, and the russian investigation. the mainstream is useing the Russian bots as their scapegoat for the 2016 trump election and for the Parkland Florida school shooting. And surely they will be useing this excuse in the near future.

To make a point

They are blaming virtual assistant software to influencing an entire US election and conservative views? they might as well say the dog did it. These implications of russian bots are not only false, but the sheer statement shows that the mainstream left assume every American on Facebook in incapable of making rational decision despite humans own perception, judgment, and intent. These are things that no AI chatbot software can manipulate. But is what the mainstream and democrats suggest.

No doubt about it

The liberal left claim Russian bots and propaganda are the reason for the outcome of the election. So, what is a Russian bot? we are going to take an in depth investigate what a Russian bot or any bot is for that matter. and then we are going to look at some of the real-world examples of this so-called propaganda.and see for yourself these supposed mind-altering Facebook post that brainwashed and influence everyone in America into voting for Donald Trump. This is what they are suggestion.

No wonder

we are going to look at several other factors the mainstream doesn’t seem to report and show you the real reason the people of America choose Donald trump for their next commander and chief. Honestly the entire concept is completely offensive and disrespectful to the American people. And shows me what these cooks think about us. by the time we are done with this video you will see who the mentally challenged people are, and It is not the American people.

First off let’s talk about what a Russian Bot is:

These so called Russian bots or chat bots if you will be software programs based off virtual assistant technology messenger bots, and Facebook and twitter which just to point have specific limitations due to the platforms Application interface. which allows for specific function only for Facebook and for twitter and are very different.

Chatbots are computer programs that mimic conversation with people using artificial intelligence. In a nutshell, when someone types in a message, the bot responds with the right reply.

Out of the thousands of chatbots that exist today, most are messenger apps designed to communicate with customers. They work with Natural Processing Language (NLP) systems which translate everyday language into a form that the bot can understand and learn new interactions from.

Through the help of that technology, bots now hold endless possibilities. You can use them to read everyday news, get the weather, transfer money, buy your favorite items, schedule a meeting, or even get service assistance. And all from the convenience of your favorite messenger app.

People are now spending more mobile screen time on messaging than on social media. A lot of companies have noticed the trend and are taking advantage of chatbots as a new channel to talk to us. Turns out that a whopping 60% of online adults in the US use online messaging, voice or video chat services.


As you can see this is how a bot works is a smart virtual assistant. A bot’s capabilities are limited to:

Chatbot Diagram

chatbot 2


So now that you know what a bot is really made of let’s talk!

These bots can engage and sending out post. The post must come from a dataset of premade content manually given to the bot for the bot to share. The bots are limited to specific responses and actions to engaging with a real person. this is due to their data sets of keywords and command.

And here is the kicker no matter how many post discrediting Hillary Clinton or discredit any conservative or patriotic cause. It would not have a direct effect over a real person making a rash critical decision in the 2016 elections. To even suggest this only belittles offends every American in this country.

The Real Facts and Proof!

We have gathered data to calculate the amount of people that actually voted in the 2016 presidential election. We have gathered the data from Twitter in there claims that of how many people were infected with the russian bots. As well as facebook's claims.

We also gathered the Pew Research Center data, who is a nonpartisan American think tank based in Washington, D.C. It provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world. they are a verifiable credible resource.

According to these very precise statistics here are the real insights that disprove and debunk the entire notion of Russian bots influenced the 2016 election.

The story is that DC leaks being one of the prime hubs responsible for cultivating fake news sent out by the Russian chatbots. Also twitter claims that 700,000 people where infected and Facebook says 127 million whereinfected. lets look at the numbers.


American Voters and Social Media Claims


FACEBOOK SAYS 127 million post where shared

The amount of Americans who actually use facebook and twitter.




Facebook users 58% = 79,460,000 MILLION (137M -58%)

Twitter Users 67% = 91,790,000 MILLION (137M - 67%)

= 171,250,000 users combined.

Other facts:
DC leaks Only shows to have 13.3k followers


Number of tweets per day 2016. Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter, which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute, 500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year.


4.75 billion pieces of content shared daily as of May 2013 which is a 94 percent increase from August 2012. (Source: Facebook)

Now just on this data alone twitter is claiming that 700,000 tweets infected users out of 200 billion tweets that year. that number is so astronomically small that you can clearly no real impact could have infected and manipulated the amount of users making them determine to elect Trump as opposed to hillary. and facebook, 127 million to the 43 billion per day is even more astronomical. This is why it is stated they believe the American people are not to bright. the average number of users clearly could have no effect on the amount of real data especially that data having any real chance of influencing a real human to making a rational decision.

Also twitter released a document to the Twitter, Inc.

United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Update on Results of Retrospective Review of Russian-Related Election Activity.

This shows that the actual amount if people affected by so called russian bots was two tenth of a percentage not even significant enough t make an actual impact. still given that the people were totally relying on these post as their main source of information that the completely believed beyond a doubt.

Also as detailed below, through our supplemental analysis, we have identified an
additional 13,512 accounts, for a total of 50,258 automated accounts that we identified as
Russian-linked and Tweeting election-related content. This represents approximately two onehundredths
of a percent (0.016%) of the total accounts on Twitter at the time.

The 2.12 million election-related Tweets that we identified through our retrospective review as generated by
Russian-linked, automated accounts constituted approximately one percent (1.00%) of the
overall election-related Tweets on Twitter at the time.

Those 2.12 million Tweets received only one-half of a percent (0.49%) of impressions on election-related Tweets, based on impressions generated within the first seven days of posting by users logged into the system.

In the aggregate, automated, Russian-linked, election-related Tweets generated significantly fewer
impressions relative to their volume on the platform

Here is the link to the data:

This still doesn't account for the amount of users that would have needed to been infected to throw and election. that is if these post are actually responsible for each users own personal intent behind why the choose donald trump.

This proves that out of the 200 billion post that year only 2.2 million post infected people. which still is in no way going to deter the amount of people they are making it out to be on mainstream media outlets!

Here are the final numbers via Wasserman:

  • Clinton: 65,844,610 (48.2%)
  • Trump: 62,979,636 (46.1%)
  • Others: 7,804,213 (5.7%)

Not even if you take into account the hillary still got higher popular vote what is left is the 306 determining congressional votes. So did the facebook and twitter post really alter our elected officials? people we choose to run this country in our name? Are there minds so weak and feeble that that believe everything off social media?

The PEW Research Data

And here is the data that takes the cake. this is the aminstreams own source of data which proves that more people gathered there sources of information during the election from Cable News TV stations than social media.

PEW Research Data

According to the PEW research data During 2016 only 14% of the American population obtained information about the US 2016 presidential election from social Media.

24% of the election was on cable news and TV. So, this is the largest statistic. Let’s look at what everyone was viewing on cable during the election.


So, let’s do some math

14 % of the American population is 45,234,000

So, you tell me even if ever single one of the 45, 234,000 people voted for trump because their weak and feeble minds where not capable of resisting the influence of some Russian bot (chatbot) post. What about the 277,866,000-other people in this country? Did their votes not count? My point being unless you are a total moron there is no way in hell the influence of 700,000 people or even 14% of the population had any cause in whatsoever of influencing an entire US presidential election.

The Russian Bot information is said to align with conservative ideology that is the main issue here. these liberals and democrats will discredit anything that does not share their virtues. this is un-American and completely ludicrous! This is what this all boils down to!

Link To source:</h3

The mainstream media once again has been caught trying to defraud the American People. Why anyone after the chain of current events would even turn those media channels on despite to build a story against them is beyond me!

Also, why does twitter offer have a subdomain where any user can make a twitter bot for free without even knowing how to code or program? It is an open invite? The sheer fact that our commander and chief is being probed about this is absurd and undermining to the entire country not to mention a huge waste of taxpayer money. Which could be better spent… on maybe something like a military parade for our troops... jk

Articles During 2016 - From Cable News & TV Media Outlets.
Telling the people, he was mentally unfit to be president

saying their polls said Hillary was more in touch with the America people

An entire year of propaganda and smear campaigns by the NON-reporters at CNN CBS, MSNBC, new york times, LA times, and every other leftist media outlet. basically if the news or info isn't demonizing trump or pushing a russia narrative, or a socialist agenda.

Then it is a russian bot. this is a juvenile tactics to boost a self image that they do no harm. When in fact these mainstream media networks have been caught doing all kinds of harm and constantly demonizing and slandering president trump.

We the People

These organizations are a drain on the American economy and the american people. They are the ones who are manipulating and deceiving people such as the bots they so ever swear by.

A computer science from the university of South Florida states. "That russian bots are software programs with limitations". "They use an antonius profile with keyword data sets , that are programmed to submit responses based on user engagement and interactions, also the post can be used to share post and media". "But to actually convince and manipulate a real human being that the content is true is completely absurd".

The mainstream and democratic officials state that Facebook Bots and Trolls basically made your mind up for you. because apparently anyone who uses Facebook is feeble minded and totally controlled by social media? That you are so weak minded that post from Facebook was responsible for planting the idea in all your heads about voting for Donald trump.

This is not only offensive but goes to show where the Mainstream liberal leftist and democrats really stand. The are implying that the American people are feeble minded deplorables infallible of making their own decisions. Suggesting this is not only offensive but embarrassing to the rest of the world.

Ask yourself the simple question do you hole heartedly belive every facebook or twitter post you read? then ask yourself why the schread of placing the blame and excuses are continuing to be an issue in american politics?

Don't take it from me take it from a real psychologist!

This article explains the mainstream and democratic lefts psychology to the letter!
Elliot D. Cohen Ph.D.What Would Aristotle Do