The Queens Speech, Key PointssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

The queen of England made her speech yesterday outlining the Torie/DUP plan for the next parliamentary term, this will be voted through the house of commons next week if the majority is held.


  • Great Repeal Bill - A huge piece of planned legislation that aims to replicate all existing EU law into British law by the time of Britain’s departure from the EU. It will also revoke the 1972 European Communities Act, which makes Brussels legislation supreme in the UK.

  • Trade Bill - By leaving the Customs Union, Britain will be allowed to sign free trade deals with non-EU countries. This Bill aims to put in place the legal framework for the UK to sign any possible deals.

  • Immigration Bill - Both the Tories and Labour have said EU freedom of movement rules will end once Brexit is complete. This Bill will aim to implement a new immigration policy for EU nationals.

  • Fisheries Bill - Leaving the EU could see Britain quit the bloc’s Common Fisheries Policy. Legislation will be needed for the UK to manage its waters.

  • Agriculture Bill - The UK's departure from the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy will similarly see new laws needed to manage farmland and the environment.

  • Nuclear Safeguards Bill - Another area in which new powers will be needed once Britain leaves the EU, with international safeguards required to be put in place once the UK quits the bloc's Euratom organisation.

  • International Sanctions Bill - Britain currently places international sanctions on other countries through the European Council but will needs new legislation to take such decisions outside the EU.


  • HS2 Phase 2 Bill - Legislation is planned to grant powers to build the second phase of the high speed rail line from Birmingham to Crewe as part of the £55.7bn project.

  • Space Industry Bill - Planned new powers will allow the licensing of new commercial space flights.


  • Armed Forces Bill - The Government hopes to attract more women to join the armed forces with proposals on part-time service, changes to maternity and paternity leave, and arrangements to ensure individuals are not deployed too far from home.

  • Data Protection Bill - Proposals to strengthen rights and hand people more control over their data, including a right to be forgotten.


  • Donald Trump state visit - There is no mention of the US President's state visit despite a reference to King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain's visit in July.

  • Grammar schools - The signature policy of the Prime Minister, which proved contentious with some of her own MPs, does not appear following the loss of the Tories' majority.

  • Social Care - The manifesto promise to reform social care funding, which arguably sank the Conservatives' General Election campaign, is missing although a promise to consult about changes to the system remains.

  • Fox-hunting - There is no commitment for a free vote on whether to repeal the ban on hunting with dogs, which appears to have been ditched along with other pre-election pledges such as the scrapping of universal free school lunches, means-testing of the winter fuel payment, a watering down of the pensions triple lock and an energy price cap.
