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RE: The Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About The Las Vegas Shooting What The Fuck Happened?

in #news7 years ago

Americans keep focusing on all the wrong issues. While this happened, they were all worried about fake threats like Iran and North Korea. Sadly, it's typical.


I think you are referring the the wholly owned media, who keep telling us such crap as Russia hacked the DNC servers, when Debbie Wasserman Schultz was paying spies to access her computer. Imran Awan had her password.

I am angry that the propaganda mills like CNN keep telling us about N. Korea and Iran, instead of reporting actual news, like the Awan/DWS/Weiner/Abedin spy ring that blackmailed dozens of US Congress members for over a decade, and harvested massive intel with blackberries synced to an offsite server, as well as members' emails and network assets.

They're not Americans - except DWS. All the rest of them are foreign born. I'm an American, and I am not all worried about Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, or N. Korea. China makes me nervous. Not as nervous and the USG, however.

Unfortunately, those are real threats. The dollar collapse is real as well. We Americans are in a lot of self inflicted messes. My family is in the US Military, so discounting foreign affairs with possible nuclear devastation is a little myopic viewing to say the least.

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