White is better - Why companies can't hide their racism

in #news7 years ago

Everyday we are bombarded with images of flawless models advertising products or items that promise us to look like or be like them. If you want to be cool and happy, drink Coca Cola. If you want to have respect or admiration, own the latest iPhone or gadget. If you want to look pretty, wear or use what the model on that campaign uses. These are simply inescapable. My biggest problem with these companies and their campaigns is not their lies. I think people who believe them are at fault. Companies are there to make money, and if you fall for their false claims, then you as a consumer is to blame for not doing your research.

However, companies cross the line when the issue is about race. I don't usually talk about race because there's enough going on in our world for me to add to the narrative. But as a black woman, I am hugely offended by companies who sell products that are supposedly created to make and my life 'better'. Essentially, to make me white. You see, the problem isn't that one racist idiot thought this campaign was a good idea. The problem is that the campaign had to go through a chain of approvals, but not one person objected to its offensive nature. The reason? Because there was not non-white person in that chain to raise a red flag, which brings another problem; there aren't enough non-white people in executive positions in these companies to keep the racists or generally insensitive individuals in check.

List of other offenders

A campaign by Sony PlayStation

This Thai ad says, "You just need to be white to win"

It's not just companies who do this. It's also well-meaning organizations who have no idea that they cause offense in the very thing they are trying to oppose. One such organization wanted to make the point that everyone is 'normal' and the only way they could should is by having a black man that is white under. In other words, he might be black outside, but he is normal inside. And normal means white.

Below is a campaign UNICEF once did. It's not the statement here that is offensive as much as it's painting white children's faces black. As if we need a reminder of what colour most Africans are.

"In Africa, many kids would be glad to worry about school."

Nivea ad

I will leave you with this video of an ad for washing powder in China. If you want to see what the world's idea of being clean and pure is, I think this gives a pretty clear idea.

Image source:1,2,3,4,5,6


most big companies are owned by non-human and moral-less people
they think themselves super creatures and all the other racists are slaves.

That's true. They are money making machines with no regard to people and their feelings.

now all companies want to make sales not regarding how the customer feels

Exactly! Caring about feeling doesn't make them money

And it's not fair, all they care about is thier returns

I love brown skin people.. sometimes I am a bit jealous of their beautiful skin. In summer i like to go to a tanning bed to get a bit brown 😊. It's really sad how people think that way about people with dark skin.

Well, maybe companies should try to show that more people get tans to get a bit darker :) I think whatever people's skin colour, it should be celebrated, and not shown as something inferior or that needs to be cleaned.

In the Netherlands people like to get a tan. They sell many tan products. Even Nivea and Dove sell tanning products. Im just not sure if they also make commercials about it. I think its more in Asian country where white skin is seen as something superior.

Yeah, you are right. It's human nature to want what you don't have. In Asia especially, white is sold as superior. While in the West, getting a tan has nothing attached to it. So people get a tan to get a bit of 'colour' or to look like they've been on holiday! The problem is when companies sell products with the message of 'white is better' which then encourages the ignorant and insecure to believe that's true.

disgusting :( - They are all bad but that Sony one I am wondering if it's real? So gross & sad! Advertising is the worst sometimes :(

I know! It's truly disgraceful and yes, that Sony one and all the other ones are real. Of course after customers were offended, they quickly removed them, but it's too late!

Much too late! There is actually no excuse, as they know exactly what they're doing, and why it's wrong!

Completely agree. They are aware of the controversy they will cause. No shame!