RE: Bilderberg 2018 Is About To BEGIN In Italy! - What To Expect (with Dan Dicks)
Trump, Crypto, and the collapse of the EU have got to be pretty prominent on their agenda this year. I agree that Trump is their 50m target. The tack they're taking now is that conventional political support of Trump is collusion against the Progressive world order. They haven't actually come out and said that yet, but that rationale will get increasingly more overt as time goes on. Which is infuriating, but is also a good thing. It means that they have to decloak as an invasive force, which will make them easier to deal with. Their only other alternatives are: try to stymie Trump and hope he doesn't do too much damage (good luck with that) or assassination (yeah...go ahead and try it; this ain't the 60s anymore).
But all we really have to do is hold on until decentralized crypto is generally implemented. Once that happens, they're done. In 2009, that was their 300m target. Now it's more like a 150m target. And they have their hands full with Trump and the EU collapse (their 100m target). And as the EU collapses, demand for crypto will explode. They're done. But don't expect them to take defeat lying down. Stay stocked up on food, water, and ammo.