Trump Visits Cleveland - Site of Tamir Rice shooting and why black lives matter.

in #news8 years ago (edited)

The last few days have seen the horrific murder of 7 policeman. I would never condone the shooting of these brave innocent policemen. Why the killers decided that these cops deserved to be punished for the crimes of others baffles me, how could the killers murder people who they know nothing about.

However today sees the republican party and their presumptive nominee Donald trump gather in Cleveland today. The site I believe of the most disgusting killing in the civilised world, and the proof that America is awash with racism of an incredible scale even though they have a black president, the murder of Tamir Rice by a policeman. For those of you who don’t know, Tamir Rice was a 12 year boy who was shot by a policeman with no warning within 2 seconds of being approached for the crime of carrying a toy gun in his local park. The real beauty of this story is that Cleveland is an OPEN CARRY STATE WTF you can't make this shit up!!!

Tamir Rice Being Executed:

Ok you say its bad, but mistakes happen, it gets worse! The Policemen involved were not even indicted and were absolved of all guilt. A policeman even tweeted that the mother was just whining and just wanted money! This is such a level of racism its hard to quantify, Its almost like they don’t consider black Americans as humans.
What disgusts me the most is that this case divides America. What’s there to divide, a 12 year old with a toy gun playing in a park gets shot within 2 seconds of being approached. But the right wing news such has Fox news have not once said this was a deplorable incident, or showed any empathy for the family, They constantly go on about black lives matter as a terrorist group and shout about the nonsense phrase " all lives matter" oh how clever they are. And no other American news channel mentions the shear injustice either. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

To be honest I don’t understand why there are not more riots on the streets for continual killings of unarmed black men. For god sake he was a 12 year old boy. Unfortunately I have an answer. Barack Obama. Having a black president almost kids people into thinking, that racism in the country can’t be that bad, we have a black president!
It’s almost like this has killed people’s spirit of hope. Why riot? why protest? We have a black president and still nothing changes, the whole thing is so sad.

Anyway I hope after reading this that you understand why there is a black lives matter, and why they are not a terrorist group and why they are so angry. I am sad for the cops that got shot, but I hope you understand why so many are so angry. Let’s see how these republicans and Donald trump discus the Cleveland shootings. If they say anything other than that the Tamir Rice shooting was a tragedy they are ALL appalling excuses for human beings and America is a broken country.